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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. My girls are the same height as yours, one wears 13” Easton Stealth CX’s and the other wears 12” CCM FT1’s They both play high school and block a lot of shots every game and haven’t had any issues with bruising. Everyone is different but sizing seems fine to me based on my girls, but I would definitely go up in quality.
  2. Thanks for the info. There wasn't an image of the barcode just the info that I mentioned. My other daughter has the AS3 pro in a 55 flex and I checked hers before I posted. Of course that sticker is long gone. I will see if it has one that I can get a picture of.
  3. Hi everyone. I am looking for a new stick for my daughter and came across a CCM AS3 Pro pro stock stick. Could someone help me out with the build code? It is M 65 T E28804 V01. From what I have been able to find it is a mid kick, 65 flex, toe curve( supposed to be P90). Thank you in advance.
  4. I have mixed feelings about the M90. Both my daughters use them and really like them. My oldest was using a QRE SL intermediate but switched to the M90 because her shot was harder, snap and wrist shots were 4-6 mph faster during tryout testing this season. The accuracy was also much better and more consistent. The blade didn’t open up as much when shooting. Sticks were the same flex and blade pattern. Backhand shots were a lot harder as well. Her first one broke the blade right along the seam at the bottom on a snap shot. Still waiting to hear back from the warranty department. My younger daughter switched from a QRL and a 1S. She preferred the feel of the blade and the release over the other sticks. Took some getting used to the weight but liked it because she likes to dangle and utilizes her backhand a lot. She broke her first one shooting in the garage the first time she used it, right above the elbow. It was warrantied and has been fine but has been regulated to a backup stick after she broke her second one. That one broke across the blade just past the elbow. She now has a CCM Trigger 4. Very similar to the M90 so hopefully the durability is better.
  5. I was at a local store in Blaine and they had them all out yesterday, flylite, flylite pro and flylite 2.7x. Definitely very light. The colors are very loud, my girls didn’t quite know what to think of them.
  6. My daughters wore Mako’s for a few years until we couldn’t get the next size. Both of them tried a few different kinds of skates. One ended up in AS1’s after trying a pair of 1x’s and x900’s. She loves them and will probably be sticking with them. My other daughter ended up in Ft1’s and liked them but didn’t like the space in the toe cap so I ended up putting foam in the top of the toe cap to help with the extra space. The new Bauer 2x might be an option since the toe cap is supposed to be not as tall.
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