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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by killthepoodle

  1. I'm pretty sure the hawks ones are just custom colors- thats the retail cuff, not the pro stock cuff.
  2. Are those the polyvinyl weave or regular nylon?
  3. Great looking mitts. Understated, but with just enough flash to have it going on.
  4. Sorry fellas, poodle's got dibs on the Barnaby's.........and he aint selling.
  5. I never really played roller hockey, and since I dont want everyone to think I'm gay I won't wear rollerblades, but I figured I should give it a shot this year- so I had these made up at my LHS:
  6. They're comfortable if they fit you, sadly mine don't... killthepoodle's fit me better but he's not parting with his. *sigh* back to the old drawing board. Yeah, well, your Barnaby's fit me, and you arent parting with those either!
  7. They retail around $200.
  8. Spot Shot is great for all kinds of stains. Nice find that it works on gloves, thanks!
  9. Lets mugg him for gloves. Drew, I told you, I'll get you mickey's autograph, I know a guy that knows a guy. KTP, i may get you some free ice time as a finders fee... ass. :D Which Mickey? The mouse? If so I'll take that!
  10. Lets mugg him for gloves.
  11. I should get a finders fee on those TBLFan ;)
  12. No, they are retail- the Rasta Mon Edition
  13. Just for laughs: Most of those are for friends- the leftovers are in the for sale section.
  14. Are their shoulders made by Farrell now?
  15. I run it into the component ports on my 24" monitor. I use that monitor with my macbook pro when I am in the office via DVI
  16. I just lucked into them.
  17. You dont want to know- trust me.
  18. Game Worn Vinny Lecavalier Nike Pants
  19. Just an update- I've taken some pretty nasty slashes recently- and I felt them. I wasn't injured or bruised- but at least once I had to shake it off. Just be aware if you are a grinder- there is a trade off for the lightness and mobility- these arent bullet proof like the 4 Rolls.
  20. I'm cool with the TBL ones, thanks. Tell Sean Avery I said he's a dumbass ;)
  21. New Pants! RBK520 Lightning Pro Stock They seem like a CCM 520 with a more flared upper. Super comfy!
  22. I'm 6' and use 16"- I go over my tongues- I think a lot of folks use SG's that are too short. If thy go down hard their knee cap wont be in the donut, which can cause fluid on the patella.
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