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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by adams2001

  1. First look official look from behind of the new True/VH skates. It looks like all is well and the tendon guard appears to be more secure.
  2. As long as the changes don't affect the fit and performance I will still be on board. Can't wait to see the reviews on the new True/VH model. I believe Shoeshine Boy has the closest iteration I've seen on MSH so far but it didn't look like the new pic. Hopefully all is well with the new model and we can continue our love for this skate. All of the changes I see so far look to help the durability of the boot. As long as I can order my next pair without the steep holders I will be a happy camper!!
  3. J Just put the BlackSteel from Step on my Jets last week. Thought I'd share.
  4. Well we knew some changes were coming with True's acquisition of VH. Happy to see that it's subtle and it doesn't look like anything ridiculous.
  5. I I completely agree. I'm completely over the weight gimmick as it pertains to skates. The fit of VH Skates is like nothing I've ever known. My next pair of skates will be VH and the pair after that will be as well. If you are spending top dollar on skates why not go for fit over gimmicks? Just makes sense to me.
  6. Check the dealers section of the home page. https://www.vhhockey.com/dealers/ If you are near one I would call and ask if they have 3d scanning at that location. It looks pretty cool, there are a couple of youtube videos on it.
  7. I had a tendon guard fall off. I'm not sure what model you have but on mine a copper rivet held it in place. I replaced it with t nut. Has since worked fine for me. I think you can add glue as well. That would reduce the wiggle without sending it back and waiting without skates for a couple of weeks.
  8. Helmet: Bauer 4500 Elbows: Bauer NXG Shoulders: Cheapest Nexus (Last Gen) Shins: Bauer APX2 Pants: Bauer Nexus 1000 Skates: VH Sticks: 1x, MX3, Nexus 8000 all PM9 87 Flex
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