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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Ashtasticness

  1. We lost :'( other team scored 3 goals in the last 40 seconds of the game.
  2. Today is championship Sunday at my rink for summer league. My team finally made it in and I've been playing 3 seasons now. I'm so excited. Got family and friends going so we better win!!!!!
  3. Haha yeah my husband called me this afternoon to let me know he signed me up for it.
  4. This week has been a long one. My husband was selected for Chief in the Navy on his first go around. If anyone knows military, that's a big deal. I am so proud of him. We had a Chiefs family meet and greet and everyone was so nice and welcoming. He is the youngest selectee on his ship and I'm pretty sure I'll be the youngest Chiefs wife (he's 28 and I'm 24). I like that they include the spouses on things. I have a Chief's wife dinner to go to pretty soon, a symposium on Chiefs wife etiquette, and I can not wait to pin him in 6 weeks. The training is brutal and he constantly has projects to do, but I know by the time they're all done he's going to be a better man and an honorable Chief because of it.
  5. I'm putting this here because it was funny. At practice last night I finally got to talk to this guy who is SUPER good, just glides across the ice and looks effortless. I was like I gotta pick this dude's brain and maybe learn a thing or two from him. I ask him how long he's been playing, normal chit chat stuff, and then he says, "Oh by the way, my name is Steve, but for some reason [our coach] keeps calling me Pat. I haven't said anything to him yet, though." I totally thought this dude's name was Pat and apparently I'm not the only one who thought so.
  6. Scored again tonight. It's the same goalie that subbed for the team we played against last week. I pretty much score the same way I did last week. I sure know how to make a dude look like a scrub lol
  7. I have cankles now from skating all the time. It's literally solid muscle from my calves to my ankles.
  8. Scored a goal last night. All I can think of is how perfect the pass was to me for me to be able to flip it over the goalie's shoulder like I did.
  9. Yassss. Nobody gets their skates sharpened at our rink anymore. A couple players have sharpeners at home and that's the only way to get them sharpened. If you get it done at the rink it's like I paid $10 for nothing.
  10. I bruise easy. I don't even know where they come from half the time, I just blame hockey. I didn't get hit with anything today and I didn't fall either. My grandma is that way and so is my sister. My sister had some test done a few years ago and if they ran certain metals down her arm she would bruise, it was weird. The one on my left leg, I accidently scraped against the corner of the bed and it bruised pretty bad.
  11. I stopped wearing shorts because I have bruises on my legs all the time. Today I have 4 bruises on my right leg and 1 on my left. All from hockey. I like jeans better but it's awfully hot. I don't want someone to think I'm a battered woman or something. (People do ask and make assumptions, it's happened to me before)
  12. omg I'm so sorry. My grandmother is going through the same thing. We lost my grandfather to cancer back in February and it was recently their anniversary. If you need someone to talk to just message me.
  13. So my rink isn't the only one that has soft wet ice? It's disgusting
  14. Make them pay for what they ordered and you pay for what your ordered
  15. Update on the stinky guy: We had our third game of the summer season (which we won 5-3). I noticed stinky guy was no longer stinky. I asked him, "hey did you wash your gear since last week?" And he says, "yeah, why? Did I smell?" So I told him, "yeah man you smelled like vomit." I guess he realized his own stench and got to it before I had to gift him with febreeze.
  16. Oh wow yeah that is pretty crazy. Why not get something you like the first time around and keep it? I actually got rid of my Facebook a couple months ago. Can't really say I'm interested in getting it back haha!
  17. I actually found out that the play it again here shut down. I've looked in the past and most of it is really ragged old men's sizes. That's how the rental stuff is at the rink too. I'm 5'4 and 130 lbs aka tiny. I have to find intermediate sizes and the hockey pop isn't big here. I scored a good deal on ebay for some leg pads that were pretty much brand new and I just picked up a matching glove and blocker for the same brand and style on goalie monkey I guess the line was discontinued and I was lucky enough to grab a set in the colors I wanted.
  18. They have been making a lot of bad decisions. Not to mention trading away a lot of future draft picks. At least they got a couple back. I still don't think they can make up for the players they've lost in the past year or so. Not any time soon at least.
  19. These are both equally disgusting.
  20. There is a guy on my team that smells like vomit. I mean strong like he vomited on himself and didn't shower for a week. Sure some guys stink during the game but it's never been so bad where I didn't wanna breathe or sit next to the guy. I wanna say something but nobody likes being told they smell like vomit
  21. I'm already looking into intermediate lol. Like I said, I live in florida. And not in Tampa or somewhere with a better hockey population either. Finding it on cragslist locally isn't gonna happen. And before someone mentions it, yes ive already looked on ebay. I found 1 set if leg pads i like but i think theyre no break and i was looking for single break. Gear is never truly unisex either. This may surprise you, but women have boobs. For skating out i have a women's chest/shoulders and I love it. So far I can't find upper body goalie gear for women and it's slightly disappointing because I don't want it to be uncomfortable. As far as the knee thing goes, as long as there are exercises and stuff like you said that will help then that's a good sign.
  22. Lol I live in Florida. Our rink doesn't even have a pro shop. I know 2 female goalies. 1 I met today who is in town between school semesters. Another is in women's travel and I never see. There's no chance play it again has hockey gear here. I've talked to some guys that are around my height. 1 is giving me skates and a blocker/catcher set tuesday night. I'm really picky about gear. It has to feel right and If I don't feel right I won't play right so I'll probably scour the internet for a good deal on something I really like. One thing I'm worried about is this bothering my knees. Do you just get used to it over time? My family is riddled with bad knees. Everyone on my mom's side has had knee surgery just from genetically crappy knees. Everyone I've talked to said being goalie was the best decision they've ever made and I'm currently at a crossroads in my hockey "career".
  23. Thankfully I found this. I've been playing right wing for about a year now and I'm wanting to play goalie. It's hard to find used gear cause there aren't many people my size or female and goalie in my league. I scored some gear last night but most of it is big. I'm lucky to know people that are interested in giving advice and can find ice time. Any tips would be wonderful.
  24. Scored my first playoff goal tonight!
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