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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. New Canadian made Pro Stock Warrior pants at Pro Stock Hockey if anyone is interested. Just noticed on Sports2k http://www.prostockhockey.com/searchresults.html?search_query=canada&Search=
  2. Pretty sick mitts. Look just like Wiz mitts with the Kangaroo leather palms. Such a nice palm.
  3. Thanks Chadd. I appreciate the input. I recently saw these 500's http://www.prostockhockey.com/player-protective/gloves/15-stx-surgeon-500-gloves-fedor-tyutin-columbus-blue-jackets/on Pro Stock Hockey for a pretty good price. They're 15's though and I'm a 14 so I'm thinking they would fit but cant bring myself to pull the trigger. Look pretty sweet though. The gussets on the pro stock pair do look very similar to the retail but maybe a different/better material but the palm on the pro stock certainly looks like a pro palm.
  4. Nice. They are super comfortable gloves and seem well made. Does anyone happen to know the difference between the pro stock and retail versions?
  5. Thanks for the information. I'll consider contacting Pat in the future.
  6. Has anyone tried/used the STX Surgeon 500 gloves? I was able to try on a pair of pro stock STX Surgeon 500 that a buddy had picked up and the sizing seemed really off. The standard 14's fit like 13's and were really narrow but overall the glove seemed really well made. Just wondering if anyone has any feedback
  7. I'm new to this forum and thought I would chime in on this topic. The new QR1 gloves look identical to the Covert DT1 model. Is there anything different besides the name?
  8. How much for the customization on these mitts? Super sick.
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