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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by darkhors

  1. Ok, so I was hoping to buy some new speed plates from Bauer but I've now been told they're on hold again for individual sale. Does anyone have any comparisons between the speed plate and the yellow or blue superfeet or any other insole? I really like the idea of being able to bake them separately from the skate and I think they would be nicer than the formfit+ that I currently have in the x90's, but I also don't want to spend $50 on another insole just to go get the speed plates. Also, does anyone have a set of speed plates they're not using that they'd be interested in selling?
  2. Ok, sounds good. I had no problems with my edges at all, so that was good :) I just wasn't sure if what I was feeling when standing was due to the new sharpening or not. I'll continue on the road with the 100/50 and now that I know what I should be feeling, I probably won't notice it much now. Just for knowledge sake, since Mojo mentioned that a 90/75 would be less bite, what would be the next step up to more bit and a little less glide? I'm still trying to get a handle on the numbers for FBV. Thanks!
  3. I'm currently on the 100/50 moving from a 1/2" ROH. I noticed that my skates seemed a little "slippery" when just gliding around. Is that just because of how the FBV works or would I be able to go to a 90/75 and feel less "slippery" when gliding. I didn't really notice anything great about the glide on these, rather, I just want something that I can really get into when turning. I still want to be able to glide, but it just seemed like I was sliding a bit when I wasn't skating. That said, when I was skating the edges were awesome. I could stop, cut, turn, etc, so that part I really liked. Would a 90/75 be good starting move from the 100/50 or should I look at something different? Also, the ice I skate on I think, would be considered "Regular" with the occasional Hard ice coming into play.
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