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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by darkhors

  1. OMG...I would absolutely love to get my hands on a cross grind ring. My life would be so much easier. Let me know if you need anything to help out. I have an ES100 and love it. Going on 4 years shortly.
  2. Have you tried the stock True insoles? I had fully custom insoles in my X90s and now use the stock insoles baked with the skates. I have zero pain (high arches) and can be in the ice for 2+ hours without any pain at all. Those shouldn't change your volume since they're made for the skate anyway.
  3. That's why I took of the bicep guards. With those gone, the pads feel much different and much more mobile. Very similar to a lacrosse pad. It's amazing how different they feel now.
  4. I just bought a set of the STX RX3's and I took off the bicep guards so it's just the chest and should caps. Very light and breathable, super mobile and very protective. Plus with the discount codes they send out, you can almost always get them under $100 for top of the line shoulders.
  5. I have the shot blockers in my True's that I just got in February and even with those, they weighed in at the same weight as AS1's. For the 50 grams, it's definitely worth it.
  6. Has anyone heard who True is going to be using for runners yet. That picture doesn't look like STEP, which we know is phasing out production.
  7. Yeah, I'm definitely on the opposite side of the fiddler at least for hockey 🙂 My OCD keeps me using the same stuff for a while unless I really think it's going to be a game changer for me like the 28 has been. Keep on keeping on 🙂
  8. The real question is, why are you using so many different curves? Maybe I'm old school, but if I pick a curve, I stick with it for an extended period of time. I just did this going from a 92 to a 28. I don't want to be changing back and forth between the two because I feel like I maximize learning and perfecting the curve I'm using. I won't change curves, usually, for an entire season or more if it's working. Just seems like you're spending time readjusting to the stick each time your switch. To each their own, but I am curious to as why you switch between so many.
  9. Composite sticks have different balance points based on the kick points, blade weight, etc. If you're taking clappers your hand is going to be lower in general but you don't want it too low to where your hands are too far apart. Take the Nexus, it's a true mid-kick stick. The kick point is made to flex in the middle, where your hand would be when taking a hard wrister or slapshot. If the balance point is lower than that, it doesn't mean you'd want to move your hand lower because you'd be out of the sweet spot for that kick point. With the new construction and tech that's behind the new sticks, balance point has less to do with hand placement and more to do with the feel of the stick and puck. If the balance point is too low on a stick, it may feel harder to stick handle because the majority of the weight is closer to the puck. Hope this helps.
  10. If you're switching to something other than the shift holder, I'd recommend the XS holder. The Bauer holders are soft and you're likely to see play in them if you're on the ice as much as you say. The new XS holders are really nice and you'll have the benefit of being able to use Step instead of the garbage that Bauer makes. You're going to have to drill new holes anyway, but the XS are the way to go if you're going to switch.
  11. For me it seems as though the true is a bit more closed at the toe than the CCM. Are these both retail sticks or pro stocks?
  12. Yeah I didn't even notice that when I looked at it the first time. That's good news though, because I'm looking to pick up 2 sets over the summer.
  13. It seems like the logical choice would be Tydan as they source the same steel as Step does and they're not tied to an OEM. Flare also uses the same steel, but obviously there's a bit of difference in what they're producing and what Step/Tydan do. I would be super bummed if they went with Massive or something else. I have a feeling though, that Tydan will ultimately be the one since they are already heavy into the NHL market. I went with the wick liner and I'm very happy with it so far. It's very similar to the liner I had in my X90's so for me it was a smooth transition. As for the black steel being taller, how much of your regular steel was taken off for profiling? I suspect that the difference in size isn't going to be very big once they profile those and sharpen them. I bet they'll be pretty close to the same.
  14. I use the Nash steel pouch and it works perfectly with them. No issues at all. https://www.hockeymonkey.com/nash-hockey-accessories-skate-blade-pouch.html
  15. Coldclay, that's really interesting. I obviously play beer league so I'm not hitting on a regular basis, but I'm surprised that it caused that much damage to his forehead. I wonder if it could have potentially happened because the inside rotated and then was pushed into his head? It's definitely an interesting issue. Does he wear his helmet tight against his head or does he like a little space? I know that sounds like a silly question, but I know a lot of kids who will size their helmets tight, then back them off so they move a little. Wondering if maybe that could be a cause too. I hope his head has healed up!
  16. I can't speak to durability just yet as I've only had them a month, but quality is good. The boot looks great, the holder looks and works great and overall I'm very pleased with how they were made. I'm hoping these will last me at least 4-5 years as I'm still wearing my Vapor X90's to coach in and they're about 5 seasons old now. I could continue to wear those, albeit the liners are starting to get too compacted, but the skate is still in good physical shape.
  17. Nope, it's been really solid. I do keep it in a cloth bag inside my bag, but I've also been hit with sticks, hit the boards, etc. and it's good as new.
  18. I ran head first into a guy and smashed my face into him. Aside from the helmet turning a little at impact, I didn't feel anything. I actually hurt him a little because my helmet went under his chin and pushed it up. So far this helmet has been really good, light, and breathable. Read my review of it here: It's been a really good helmet so far.
  19. If you're going to profile them, I would look at doing a combo 9/10 profile. You'll get good agility, but also keep your glide. As for FBV, if you're on a 92/50 right now I would suggest going to a 90/75. You'll retain the glide you have, but you'll get more stability in your turns/pushes. The combo of the 90/75 and a 9/10 profile should yield some great results.
  20. I've had mine for about month now and after having one spot heated and adjusted, I can say with 100% confidence that this was the best skate purchase I've ever made. These things feel sooo good on your feet. I think I mentioned this before, but I have custom insoles in my Bauer x90's and don't need anything special in the True skates. They are by far the most comfortable skate I've ever worn.
  21. Ok fair enough. I still think you're over thinking it though because the grip material has changed quite a bit on the new sticks compared to the old ones. I guess that's what I was trying to say and didn't get it out the right way.
  22. Again, the stick is 4 generations (and years) old and it's been sitting in your +100F degree garage for 4 years and now you're mad because the coating on the stick is sticky from being stored in a place it shouldn't be stored in for a super long amount of time. Then you're assuming that the companies sticks are problematic because of this? I honestly just don't understand where you're coming from. I wouldn't even think that this would be an issue and you even said that you accept responsibility for the damage as it's not an optimal storage location. No it doesn't get over 100F in my basement. That's my point. Just move it to a place that isn't hot af and you should never have a problem.
  23. I agree with that too. I find that the Fire rings are one increment shallower than what would be FBV. So 5/8 fire would be like 3/4 FBV and 1/2 Fire would be like 5/8 FBV or close to it.
  24. I might try it if they make it for the shift holder just to see if it would be worth it. What Fire hollow are you using on it or are you just using regular ROH? I agree that the Fire isn't a direct comparison to FBV, but I actually like it more than FBV now that I've been using it for over a year. I don't know that I'd want to go back.
  25. They don't make it for the Shift holder (as of now) and the other issue I have with Flare is that you have to consistently alter the ROH as the blade gets smaller. You might start out with 1 1/4 ROH, but as you sharpen (let's say maybe 4 sharpenings) you'll have to move that down to an 1 1/8 to achieve the same cut. Then after another 4 you'll have to move down to 1 inch, so on and so forth until the blade is back to 3mm and you're using your normal ROH (5/8 for example). Yes you can continue to sharpen it with whatever hollow you had originally, but you're not getting the same cut as that steel gets smaller and closer to the 3mm part of the blade. So this becomes a little more tedious, not to mention I would need to have more rings on hand to achieve the same throughout the life of the "flare" portion of the blade.
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