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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About hurricane

  • Birthday 01/01/1977

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  • Interests
    Hockey, Playing with my Daughter.
  • Location
    Clinton Twp. MI

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  1. I would have to agree my Vapors as I said were 8.5 and the only reason I went down a 1/2 size with the 8090 is because of the large toe box. But my shoes are 9.5 and I touch the front so the shoe size could be debated.
  2. I am a 9.5 in a Vapor 30 Bauer and a 8 in a 8090. My Kor size witch I found out today when my grafs fell through is 9...I would say they are more true to shoe size. I wear a 9.5 new balance shoe.
  3. Sounds like it ,just take it to somebody you can trust. they mess up the heel your screwed.
  4. I have noticed with every pair of bauer skates I have bought, I have had some type of "pain" durning the break in. Heel,arch...Even the pair I have now my left ankle/heel was killing me and went away after 5-6 ice hours.
  5. Helmet: Bauer 8000 very comfortable, doese'nt move around alot with my shield. Shield: Oakley Avitator cut. Dose'nt fog up at all, don't have to screw with it durning a game. Pants: Bauer 8000 Skates: Bauer Vapor 30's A gift, very light responsive skate. Gloves: Vapor 30's Best glove I have ever worn, Light, comfy, No restrictions in movement. Sticks: Easton Z bubble 110 flex with Easton Si-core Forsberg Blade. Very light combo, Great kick point, Very Derable. Blade is a 5 lie bent over low when stick handle. Protective Equipment: All bauer 8000..Light,comfortable , great mobility! Also lined with a wick material...keeps me dry. Jock: Shock doctor compression shorts. I guess I could say it I like that it protects the goods :P Yep, you guessed it; I like BAUER B)
  6. I put the cobras on my XXX and noticed no pitch difference...I was told all the forward pitch is from the graf boot. Also had a LS and the cobras on a steel table again no noticable difference.
  7. Those skates fit nothing like the XX You beat me to it! the 8000 is more like the XX or the XXX :lol: 8000s felt completely different than XX's to me Really, the 8000 are'nt like the XX. heh not even close! F!@#ing....... right the 8000 are closer but are still not the same sakte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or it would be the Vapor 8000 or 8000XX. It was a joke!
  8. Those skates fit nothing like the XX You beat me to it! the 8000 is more like the XX or the XXX :lol: 8000s felt completely different than XX's to me Really, the 8000 are'nt like the XX.
  9. Those skates fit nothing like the XX You beat me to it! the 8000 is more like the XX or the XXX :lol:
  10. Your not missing anything. go get a lowrider mag.
  11. Hell yes!!!!! I agree!!!! What a !@ing joke. I did'nt know if I was loking at a hockey magazine or lowrider magazine.
  12. Here some photos of my equipment. I want to take some pics of me but I need someone to do it. Wife has been staying home. Photobucket stopped working?? Ok guys this is photopucket--I hope it works.
  13. Yep, I have heard alot of bad things about the synergy skates. but on another topic I spoke with a easton rep today about sticks and he told me the Z bubble is their best selling stick. I asked do you know why and he said because it has great flex like the synergy but is more dependable.-just thought some of you guys would want to hear that.
  14. Same thing with me, had to view it on my dads computer. I have 7.0 but I was having some problems. It took me a few trys.
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