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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. damn cobra that stick looks mint. you get a chance to try it out yet? Ill edit in a pic of my new sickkick into this post later to keep on topic.
  2. Sticks- RBK 7k pro lite(just piked it up) and my backup Bauer endure Shoulder Pads- Jofa (not sure what type) :P Elbow Pads- Nike V-14 Helmet- Nike Bauer 5500 with full CCM cage (chrome) Pants- Nike Bauer XV lite Shin Pads- RBK 4K (alot better than i thought they would be) Skates- missoin C4 not very good skates but they will do, pitch set to plus 1
  3. i thought it was tape to what is it
  4. what kind of skates have the t bladz
  5. its a 2 peiecs z-1 i did not like the z-1
  6. Z-2 shaft looks nice to bad it has poor preformance
  7. u better get a back stick up man :lol:
  8. its not new bauer freak theres no bauer/nike logo
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