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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Minus the dangles, TV cameras, commentators, spectators and a well lit rink it was exactly like that!
  2. Boards flexing, they're pretty beat up though. I jumped into the plexi whilst mucking about in practice the other week and the 'glass' (its plastic) fell out and i ended up out of the rink to give you an idea of how grim the rink is.
  3. A few from this season #24 in black In white And again About to go Going Rare goal All photos taken by Flyfifer [LINK]
  4. Playing for the Canberra Knights in Australia Im on the left, the other guy is former AHLer Derek Campbell Recieving a bad pass (my excuse for looking like an idiot anyways)
  5. I always rock that style, and those same elbow pads! They're most comfy ive ever had for sure. (only ever owned 2 pairs though...)
  6. Im classed as a british player. ENL falls below the EPIHL. These shots are from the EPIHL, although im a two way contract with an ENL side. The leagues are; Elite Ice Hockey League (yeah right) English Premier Ice Hockey League English National League Division 1 English National League Division 2
  7. Not really 'playing' but i love the pic (im in white btw) Adrenaline makes you do wierd things...
  8. Team mate skates into me during a game and his helmet hits me square in the chops. Split lip and teeth pushed back. Braces again? likely. Split lip starting to look life a cold sore? Yes. Girlfriend happy? No. Loved ones moving on. Car pulls out from a junction without enough space for to safely stop should they not be able to hammer it right away. Lo and behold there's a pedestrian on the crossing about 10feet away and they put the anchors on, a grab the brakes on my motorcycle, front wheel slips away and i slide about 20 down the road into the back of the car. All in one weekend. FML.
  9. Just covers, Sherwood X-9's underneath.
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