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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    CCM AS1
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
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    Bauer Nexus N1

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  1. Baked, profiled 9/10 +3 pitch, sharpened 5/8” first skate tonight. Felt like I’ve worn them for years. Very comfortable and not too stiff. Love the tongue. Skated with top eyelet unlaced. I really like them.
  2. Skates arrived today from IW. Are they ever nice! And they fit like a glove. Been at this 50+ years and these are the most comfortable out-of-the-box skates I’ve ever seen. I’m sure they will feel even better once I get them baked. Will have them profiled also before the inaugural skate. Btw, I came out of a Bauer Vapor X100 size 9D. Ordered a 9.5D in the AS1 and glad I did. Maybe it’s jst me, but I feel the CCM length (9.5) is identical to the Bauer 9. Just in case others are ordering online and don’t have a LHS to try them on first.
  3. Just placed an order tonight on IW for new AS1s. Can’t wait to get them. Yesterday I drove to Hockey World to try them on, but they were completely sold out! Oh well, I took my own meausurements and after looking at CCMs sizing guide, I went with a size 9.5D. If they don’t fit, IW has free return shipping, as long as your a member, and return within 7 days without skating or baking them. CCM and IW also offer a 365 day money back satisfaction guarantee if not completely satisfied after skating on them. Can’t go wrong. I plan on using CCM SB holders and runners and maybe switch in the near future to the Tuuk holders. If I were to switch to the Tuuk holders and runners, what is the preferred holder/runner model and what size would I need for this skate?
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