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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Left Wing King

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Everything posted by Left Wing King

  1. Get what you pair, buy a good fitting pair first time round, you won't have to spend on another pair for a while!
  2. I had the same thing in a pair of old Grafs, I got fitted properly (aswell as we can in the UK) and I was put into a pair of Nexus EE, so much better. I'd say a volume issue.
  3. I used to use a brick wall and put masking tape up in the shape of a goal.
  4. Komarov with his old Grafs aswell. Stupidly bought a pair because of him too.
  5. Get a normal cage, cut the top half off, Dremell it smooth. Then for the mounting to the rear, if you were going cheap you could get a wire coat hanger bend it round, cut to length, a couple of welds and you have the loop. To me it looks like it just hooks onto the inside of the helmet where the visor is mounted.
  6. Tbf, it probably wouldn't be to hard to make yourself. I quite like it. I like the air flow you get from a cage, but the visibility from a bubble is a lot better.
  7. I'm happy with my gear, however I'd love a plethora of sticks and a bag of pucks and test out the said sticks.
  8. Probably changes sweats between periods.
  9. I took my dog along a cycle track then canal and it was good. I enjoyed it. I do have some vids on FB, but yes, the transition between both is easier now!!
  10. Well I've been on Marsblades all week, I then get back on ice again yesterday, took less than a minute to get used to being on ice again. My stride was the same, Marsblades are brilliant. Just need to find a really smooth patch of concrete.
  11. Speaking to a mate who has a pair, he's kept his quite tight still. I'll try that until I'm used to them. Glad I went with the boot conversion though.
  12. I'll give these a try out properly tomorrow. How loose do people have the rocker?
  13. That's good, as the big thing going from ice to roller is getting used to the strides again.
  14. Well I've done it, I have ordered some Nexus 7000s and had them sent to be converted to Marsblaedes. If interested I'll let you know how it goes.
  15. That's what I'm thinking. Too be honest I'm thinking of getting some Nexus 7000s as used Nexus9000 in my size are hard to find. I've not heard a bad word about the blades either.
  16. I'm 95% on getting Marsblades. I currently wear a Bauer Nexus n9000 6ee. Is it worth converting these and buying new ones, or going with the Marsblades FMT ONE but they are only in a d fit. I have had issues before with narrow skates. I have e-mailed Marsblades, just wondering if anyone has experience with Verbero boots and their fit.
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