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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Left Wing King

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Everything posted by Left Wing King

  1. That is bollocks if the skates are going, they're a great fit for me I have N9000s and I love them.
  2. Skates to tight, or not wide enough in the first place.
  3. I'd say Marsblades and shooting tiles are probably your best bet, tarmac the area, few green biscuits etc. However judging by your back yard, you're not short of cash so it could be worth trying tiles out as above.
  4. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rhino-Body-Protection-Large-Boys/dp/B01GVJE11C/ref=asc_df_B01GVJE11C/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=376799356712&hvpos=1o5&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1482042173151627769&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046494&hvtargid=pla-803137100576&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=79521023640&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=376799356712&hvpos=1o5&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1482042173151627769&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046494&hvtargid=pla-803137100576 Would a rugby one do?
  5. So it gives you the family of skate you should be in, sizes and widths. It is then upto you to work out what year and model you want. I went to Puckstop and the guy didn't even use the Bauer gizmo, he got out like a foot measurer you got in Clarkes and it left a heat trace, took one look at them and he was like you need Nexus, You know what. I have no complaints with the skates, they feel like they fit perfectly.
  6. Just one on the Bauer scanner, does it offer all ranges of its boots say going back to 2016, or is it current year stock only. I say this as out of interest I watched Chase from Hockey Warehouse do a review on Bauer 2Ns and he said they're an in between of the old 1n and n9000 (which I own) Or does the scanner say you should be in a Nexus range this length and this width then it is upto you to find what boot from what year etc?
  7. Loads of EIHL jerseys on Facebook, I have two Manchester Phoenix (now defunct jerseys I'd sell
  8. I'd say eBay for some wacky european gear.
  9. I use a fishbowl, and smear washing up liquid on the inside of it before use. Never had a fogging issue.
  10. I'd bin 'em off and start again. Sounds like you're chasing endless problems, needlessly.
  11. Maybe try loosening the laces over the forefoot then tighten tighter going up the ankle. I notice if I tighten mine to tight, they do hurt, when I have the laces just looser and tighter up the ankle, they're like slippers.
  12. Fuck me here in the UK you goto the shop and they still ask if you're on a half inch hollow. Not me though 7/16ths I'd like to try some of these profiles, but we simply don't have the facilities to do it. I'd assume all our players in the current IIHF Championships are on traditional hollows.
  13. I'm in Nexus N9000 and they have so much more room than my older skates. Your best bet, like what I did was goto a local established shop and get measured, then find what boots fit in that size range. The guy measured my feet and instantly said Nexus range.
  14. Get what you pair, buy a good fitting pair first time round, you won't have to spend on another pair for a while!
  15. I had the same thing in a pair of old Grafs, I got fitted properly (aswell as we can in the UK) and I was put into a pair of Nexus EE, so much better. I'd say a volume issue.
  16. I used to use a brick wall and put masking tape up in the shape of a goal.
  17. Komarov with his old Grafs aswell. Stupidly bought a pair because of him too.
  18. Get a normal cage, cut the top half off, Dremell it smooth. Then for the mounting to the rear, if you were going cheap you could get a wire coat hanger bend it round, cut to length, a couple of welds and you have the loop. To me it looks like it just hooks onto the inside of the helmet where the visor is mounted.
  19. Tbf, it probably wouldn't be to hard to make yourself. I quite like it. I like the air flow you get from a cage, but the visibility from a bubble is a lot better.
  20. I'm happy with my gear, however I'd love a plethora of sticks and a bag of pucks and test out the said sticks.
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