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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Westside

  1. 59 minutes ago, Miller55 said:

    How did you strip the colored paint from the quarters? I tried acetone and it didn't come off. Did you paint over it with a paint marker or strip the paint? Tia, looking forward to getting rid of the blue and silver

    Acetone, a rag, and a LOT of elbow grease. For whatever reason the paint is on there real good and you have to scrub like hell to get it off. I forget if it was the silver or the blue that came off easier, but definitely one of the colors does. I did use black angelus paint for the smallest sections near the toe cap and tendon guard where I couldn’t get my fingers into the crevice where the two parts meet. Left the True logo silver on the outside of each boot just so it’s easier to determine which boot is which at a quick glance. 

  2. When I first got my TF9’s i went down a half size from my Bauer size and I could barely squeeze my foot into them pre-bake. I was definitely worried they would be way too small. Baked them and they opened up and they fit absolutely perfect. With Trues, I think if the skate has room or fits like you’re used to pre-bake, it’s going to be too big for you post-bake 

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  3. On 7/20/2021 at 9:52 PM, bl4 said:

    That's the cheapest I've seen them (at least in the States)

    What do you think of them? 


    Initial impressions for me are that these things are absolute tanks and offer superb protection! Mobility is fantastic as is comfort.  I can't get them to slide at all which is amazing. Downside is they're about 1/2" too long on the forearm which impedes full range of movement with my gloves. So as much as I like them it looks like I'll be returning them



  4. 18 minutes ago, BenBreeg said:

    The problem with the current state of profiling IMO is there are too many, not enough empirical data to make recommendations, and definitely few experts available to the end user to help make decisions.  Add that it is extremely expensive to test many profiles and that I think describes the current state.

    Man, THIS!! I was just wrapping my head around quad profiling and now there’s the ellipse. At $50-ish a pop, it is not cheap and I simply ruin my steel if I keep trying out new things. What would be great is if there was a rental program that allowed people to rent different profiles to test them out. More upfront cost for the profiler, but I’d imagine happier customers at the end of the day.

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  5. On 7/9/2021 at 2:52 PM, althoma1 said:

    Warrior Alpha DX  on clearance or the new Alpha LX Pro - three piece pad with an elbow sleeve. 

    Did not realize the DX was on clearance, thanks for the tip! Have been wanting to check them out for a few years. Does anyone know if $99 is the lowest price out there? 

    • Like 1

  6. 54 minutes ago, Jbear said:

    I'd like a Ribcore flex profile in a one-piece Tacks-fit boot.  That would complement my AS3 Pros perfectly! 

    Never made a video so...not sure who you are watching???

    The new Ribcores are one piece and share the same fit system as Jetspeeds (and the next gen Tacks). Basically the same concept as what Bauer launched last year

  7. 1 hour ago, mojo122 said:

    Semantics...my point is they're heavier than other top end skates and the finish is sloppier.  

    FT2 weighs 866 grams, 2X Pro weighs 860 grams, the TF9 weighs 904 grams.  So yeah, heavier, but by only 50-ish grams. That weight could be different depending on tongues, holders, and runners used. 

    I’m surprised at the high quality of the TF9s compared to what I’d seen from True in the past. This coming from a guy who’s skated Bauer’s for the last decade and CCMs for the decade+ before that 

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  8. I used Jake for 2 of my 3 previous conversions, but after being told to actually look at the rivet work, I don’t think I’d go back again. Rivets were all different sizes and widths. Some seated well, others seated poorly. Nothing I’d ever looked at before as I didn’t know what to look for, but after comparing them to OEM and other rivet jobs, it’s not something I’d trust again. 

    Hockey Monkey in Irvine? Didn’t even think about going to them or Pure Hockey. Is there a specific person I should ask for? Do they warranty their work?

  9. Met up with a friend this evening to do some skating along the coast at sunset. Didn’t even realize until we got back that I left the top two laces of my True TF9’s undone. I remembered thinking a few times while we were out that I get I had a lot of forward flex, but at no time did I feel my skates/ankles were loose. This thread popped into my mind. Definitely something I’m going to experiment with more 

  10. Can’t speak to the FT7 tongues, but I did purchase the T-guard felt tongues (preferred the traditional look) for my TF9s and it took up a lot more volume inside the boot compared to the standard, thinner, memory foam-like TF9 tongue. I loosened the laces to compensate and then fit was fine, but probably could have rebaked to properly account for the added space it took up



  11. For me they're just as stiff as my Bauers, but am not prohibited with forward flex. I do tie them looser than I do Bauers due to how snug they fit, but still lace up to the top eyelet. For fit, I went down 0.5 size from Bauer and while they were uncomfortable and didn't fit pre-bake, post bake they fit like comfortable sneakers. Zero issues with any hot spots or discomfort from day 1 for me. Maybe I got lucky

  12. Jumped on a deal for TF9s a few months back and put the R1s on them. Having been a Bauer guy for the last decade, I see what the True hype is about. Absolutely love these skates and how they feel. Seriously contemplating buying another pair and swapping out Tuuk holders for ice. 


    An outdoor rink near me has had steady pickup roller going on recently and now that I'm vaccinated I've been trying to drop by more often. I normally play on rough asphalt and those wheels didn't offer enough grip. Got sick of swapping all the wheels back and forth every few days so decided to pick up an extra chassis making the swap so much easier/faster! 

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