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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Royals92

  • Birthday 04/23/1991

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  1. Tier II Atlantic District Champions(Second guy from the left standing up, short, long hair.) Nationals team picture. Guy to the right of the captain. Hard to see in this picture.. but i am bald, unlike the very first picture. Bet was, We Win districts, and go to nationals, i shave my head. Skating the puck up ice at Nationals Chasing the guy behind the net at Nationals
  2. Helmet:Bauer 8000, White Jofa Cage SHoulder Pads:Easton Ultra Light Elbows:CCM 852 Gloves:Bauer Vapor XX Pants:Bauer MPB 8 Girdle, JR Royals Shell Shinguards:Jofas 2500 Skates:Bauer Vapor XXX Under:Underarmour Cup:Itech Mouthpiece:uhh i forget name no sticks? ahh i k new i forgot something Synergy SL Grip Yzerman Broken Synergy Grip shaft, with Yzerman synthesis blade
  3. Helmet:Bauer 8000, White Jofa Cage SHoulder Pads:Easton Ultra Light Elbows:CCM 852 Gloves:Bauer Vapor XX Pants:Bauer MPB 8 Girdle, JR Royals Shell Shinguards:Jofas 2500 Skates:Bauer Vapor XXX Under:Underarmour Cup:Itech Mouthpiece:uhh i forget name
  4. yeah that was the thign for a little bit with a couple guys on our team.. Proshop got in orange laces and everyone rushed to get them. Now only a couple of people wear them. They are pretty cool but i got new skates and the orange doesn't fit in the new ones.
  5. lol love it.. mom made fun of me for a week cause of that picture. lol still have it on the refrigerator. :lol:
  6. Heres My Pictures from this year.. I just love this one it was right after they scored the go ahead goal.. to win the game... we were really out matched that game and it shuldn't've been even close so i was a little mad when they scored..
  7. Helmet:Bauer 800 Cage:Jofa 480 white Shoulder Pads:Easton Ultra Light Elbows:CCM 852 Gloves: Muskoka ZR9 Pants: Baue MPB 8 Girdle/Shell ShinGuards Jofa 2500? Skates:CCM Protacks with Tblades UNder: Underarmour Cup: Itech Mouthpiece:green shock doctor
  8. Easton Junior Synthesis 4' 6" 90lbs 50 flex Stickhandling/receiving passes great part of the stick i loved it. always felt the puck, and i rarely ever felt a ringing in my hand. 9/10 Shooting THsi is the best stick for me i could place the puck where ver i wanted to. 10/10 weight and balance great weight loved it. one of the lightest sticks ive used. 10/10 durabiltiy. this is the worst part of it. i have had two sticks and both lasted a little more than a month. 4/10 conclusion. I probably won't buy thsi stick again because it keeps breaking on me just outta the warranty. But if your rich this is the stick for you. overall 8/10
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