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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hanrider

  1. Hello, I want to try ellipsis profile, but don't know which one. I am actually on quad 0.5 on 271 ccm holder. I maybe like quad 1 more. Don't like zuperior or Quad 2. Could you please recommend me which ellipsis should I try. Thanks
  2. are they still as stiff or even stiffer then AS3 pros? They have same issue with toe cap as 100k or ft4 and last one question, they still have same anatomical and too tight and aggressive heel as previous tacks(heel pain as hell and developing haglund deformity) ? I really like to have answers to this questions if someone had previous tacks and have or tried asv pros.
  3. NO I do not also volume was better for me then regular(finally pass pencil test) but I was not sure about overall wide and also I have skinny ankles so no wrap at all but it is same in my AS3s.
  4. you should maybe try new Mach they should be softer then as3 pro. I have as3 pro and also looking for new softer skates. I was in CCM shop last week and also tried 100k pro and they were really nice except that toe cap. I have 8.5D as3 pro but when I went for 8 wide 100k pro they feelt soo good but want to try Machs first (they should have wider toe cap) to decide and also ccm scan show up I should be in jetspeed 8.5 regular but they didn't have them.
  5. hello, is quad 1 vs quad 0.5 big difference? I am skating on q1 and want to try 0.5 but don't know if it's worth it.
  6. next week I have appointment when my local shop get they tools back for punching but, I am a little bit afraid they will destroy my skates.
  7. Hello, I have a question. Are TF7 or TF9 good for people with haglund deformity aka bauer bump(bony thing growing from heel) on heels ? My AS3 tacks killing me and I am looking for something else(I have no feet shape for Bauer skates). Do someone with same heel conditions own TF9 or 7 and feeling no crushing pain in heel bones ?
  8. Hello guys, are Ultrasonic in FIT3 deeper then CCM Ribcor EE which are deepest ccm skates?
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