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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I have a trigger 7 pro 92 and a 90TM. I got both to A/B them and found the following for me: 1. the 90tm is better for stick handling 2. the 92 is better for backhands 3. the 90tm is more accurate 4. the 92 can get shots higher than i want them more often than the 90tm now, this is just me and others may have completely different results. the main thing that really works out for me with the 90tm is the flat section on the bottom and the 5 lie. for my style of play that works best. and to answer your question, it's not hard at all. my main shot is mid/low blocker or glove and I find it as easy to hit as it is with the pm9 which I used for 15ish years I spent a ton of time online comparing the 92 and 90TM, looking at forums, watching youtube videos and tbh I said screw it I need to decide for myself. that's why I got 1 of each. 90TM wins for me.
  2. I recently switched to this and instantly fell in love. no going back now
  3. Let me start this by saying that I absolutely love this stick. The action is great, balance and feel are wonderful and stick handling seems effortless. I also have a much more accurate shot with this stick than with the flylite or hyperlite. With that said I've broken 2 in the past month. The first was blocking a shot from the point. Puck hit the stick, shaft cracked. This is beer league too and the shots aren't that hard. I got that one replaced as it was only the second time I used it. The replacement.... 2nd game (again lol) clean break in two from someone who was batting at it while I was skating by. That happens multiple times a game in every game, but I have never had a stick break from stick checks and some slashing. I love the stick, but the durability is sus at best. Wondering if I am just unlucky or if others have experienced anything similar. I'm on the fence about buying another or going to a different one.
  4. I just checked the hyperlite stick on their site after looking at some online retailers and there are only 3 patterns available now (counting the 92 and 92m as 1) excluding the PM9 does anyone know if that's done for good now? that has been my curve for over 15 years
  5. few years ago i went to stop during a game and my frame cracked off the bottom of an ice book, nearly breaking my ankle (rolled it bad and couldnt skate for months due to ligament damage). eventually remounted the same frame to the boot and used all copper. never had a problem after that. so, from then on I always use coppers on conversions. doesnt matter what it looks like to me, I just want to feel 100% confident that what I experienced before will not happen again.
  6. ok, well these tongues are terrible imo. You can't get the end of the shin guard down in behind them and are forced to put it over which i absolutely hate. they also provide less flex than the felt tongues. unfortunately i've used these so I will just try to sell them on sideline or something and go get different skates.
  7. Just saw this as I was looking for gloves on IW. https://www.icewarehouse.com/True_Hockey_Catalyst_9X/descpage-CAT9G.html Has anyone had a chance to demo these yet? Wondering how they feel. Found this video too:
  8. i wear low socks. i hate high socks although that may help with this problem. mad that I have to deal with a problem like this with new skates. imo it's an oversight from the product team. a felt tongue never has this problem
  9. Just baked them today and found something extremely annoying. The tongue wraps around too far and pushes the stitches into my ankle (see pics). I've never had a problem like this in the past. Felt tongues are also WAY nicer than this one. Other than that, they were extremely comfortable. Went with the Fit1, 8.5D. I will be using them for the first time during lunch time tomorrow. If I like them i'll be buying a 2nd pair to convert to inline.
  10. If you're talking about Miami, FL then no, there's no store that you can go to and try them on. The pro shop at Skate Zone in Lake Worth can get you any that you want, but they need to order them.
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