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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IntoGear

  1. Now that brings back some memories.... ahh the good old days. Big pads= Big hits :)
  2. Actually is a really cool shot. Who would have thought the stick would bend so much in a shot.
  3. So did you stop the shot in the first pic?
  4. I'm not worried just tired of the fretting over the color of the holders and will this color lace look better with this skate... sound like a bunch of school girls worried over who's wearing what. As for what does that make me? Ummm maybe a better goalie. Thunder just a noise boy, lighting does the work! ;)
  5. Are you guys playing hockey or entering a fashion show? If you worried about your skills as much as you worry about how cool your stuff looks maybe you wouldn't be such a coot.
  6. Hyprate; wow man thats scary... you okay?
  7. I noticed your from Cary... is that roller rink local?
  8. unfortunately, i live in one hell of an expensive country, where paint is 8 bucks and the warrior ak27 is 300... I think I would be thinking of moving! :lol: Hate to see what your gas prices are like. ;) Well hope theres lots of good hockey...that can always make up for the bad.
  9. Kewl looking green and black uniforms... awesome logo! :D
  10. Wasn't here in '03 but yeah I won't pick on your white skates anymore... now pull your pants up. :P
  11. Maybe they could make a new penalty ...2 mins for scuffing the pretty skates.
  12. I thought figure skates were all white like that... Lets see how trashed looking they are after a season of pucks n sticks. You need some white fuzzy balls tied into the laces... that would be so cute. ;)
  13. The shoulder pads are amazing. You dont feel a thing with them on. Protection is not a problem at all compared to what everyone else says. They do look a little bulky with the shouldercaps still on. They look like they would be really hot to play in... Hows the movement in them?
  14. I like the Bauer footbed... but then I'm play goal more than defence these days and have always been thought of as strange. :) Sweet looking skates!
  15. Personal preferences are different for each of us. I'm 6'0" and when I skate out I wear 14" that comes just to the top of my skates. I do have a pair of 15" that go over the top of my skates but they not as comfortable to me as my 14's To each his own I guess... if your comfortable with short shin pads that leave a exposed gap of protection over the skates... so be it.
  16. Combo'd with a mirrored shield and neon laces. I have to agree with that! My fav number is 59 btw :P
  17. Yeah they do look wimpy, sissy, gay...
  18. What was it like playing against your old team and friends.
  19. I think they might be roller hockey pants. They sure look like them.
  20. I have to ask if it bothers you at all being a billboard. What if you have personal issues with one of the sponsors... would you wear thier logo anyway?
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