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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About TCsnipes9

  • Birthday 09/12/1988


  • Skates
    Old school- still reppin Vapor XXXs
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    NikeBauer XXs
  • Helmet
    NikeBauer 4000
  • Gloves
  • Stick
    Always changing, but ALWAYS Easton

Profile Information

  • Location
    Apple Valley, MN
  • Gender

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  1. Are those 705 Techno Flash's on the right?
  2. Trudy, who do you play for? Is that ACHA?
  3. If im not mistaken, I believe they are called the "creeper" glove, and are just the MIA Inferno's being re-named.
  4. Thanks Joe. As a matter of fact I ordered those gloves a couple years ago, and they just so happened to work out perfectly.
  5. Thanks man. I like them a lot.. but Im actually thinking about picking up a pair of those Purple Holy Cross ONE90s on ebay. $80 is more than reasonable, and they would look pretty sweet with our Js. B Neal, yeah its club. I didnt want to play a junior schedule, or enter college being a 21 year old freshman without guarntee of a scholly... so I let the "big dream" die out a little. Fortunately our team is pretty good, and the level of hockey is much higher than I thought it would be.
  6. Just got a couple pics back... wearin new colors this time. Traded in Brown and Gold for Grey and Purple. Setting up the powerplay: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u183/TC...s9/KS6H1960.jpg http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u183/TC...s9/KS6H2931.jpg
  7. NICE! The look of excitement on JDs face says it all!
  8. Atta kid David! Nice goal bud.
  9. The ones I tried on were super heavy. Very comfortable/mobile tho.
  10. Nice skates man. I miss mine with black t`blades... :( Edit- Actually Id rather skate on LS2s.... I just liked the look of black t`blades instead of white.
  11. Thanks E. Haha did you see the edit first or was I just right on with it?
  12. Got around to getting my jerseys lined up. Backs: http://s168.photobucket.com/albums/u183/TC...nt=100_0515.jpg Kovalchuk Signature: Modano Signature (tough to see, but its on top of the 9): EDIT- Expecting to get flamed for the "mooterus" jersey in 3.... 2.... 1.... :lol:
  13. Like I said, I got the curse so I took it off for a while. :(
  14. Eh I wore the bubble (dangler) last year. Took it off cuz I got the curse... Gotta love the look of it (the dangler)... but the protection is pretty bad. Everytime I got or gave a hit the cage would come up exposing the lower half of my face. Which is the exact same for everyone else I know that has one. Thankfuly I suffered no injuries. Took it off and started scoring a lot more frequently again, haha. Sidenote- Wore a half sheild for the first time tonight. (Obviously not allowed in MN HS hockey.) I was definately nervous the first few shifts, but i got semi used to it eventually.
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