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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Denver, Co
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  1. i mean the new one wit new looks not the black and silver one
  2. where did you get that? ebay I also got an away and third from the same seller how much did you pay cause i would love one of those
  3. where did you get that?
  4. why is it that the prostock 10k sticks look different then the retail ones. for example the retail ones have reebok written in silver and the reebok symbol near the blade is silver but in the prostock version its written in white and the symbol is white.
  5. I believe that's up to you to decide. There are some like these that have been posted. It's your opinion so get whatever you think looks good. Hey Mikael, I can't tell from the pic what kind of visor is that? It kind of looks blue so I'm gonna guess blue Oakley pro aviator or it might just be the reflection and be some sort of itech hs22 wave. -Yes, Tufftek with Carbon stripes looks good. Look back to page 44 of this thread to see James's black MiAs. (He's 43%burnt.) They are Tufftek/Carbon stripes. The Carbon holds up fine as far as wear but it will get puck marks and smears on the lighter colors which you may be able to see in the pics of mine. Also, they seem to (understandably) have a bit of a tougher time sewing the Carbon as it is thicker. James's gloves are sewn a bit better than mine. Oh, and a final note on MiA Carbon: white is not white, it's like a very light champagne. Works fine for stripes but all white carbon gloves like my old pair will contrast a white helmet noticeably. They matched my beat and burned white IU roller hockey pants well, though. -Visor's just a mirrored Itech Pro-Wave. Must be the lighting. -Whoever was guessing on the sticks was close. Dolomites, actually. Gold AK27s might be too much. Ha! -We debuted our black uniforms last night which, I will begrudgingly admit, probably look even better. It's not quite such an overload of goldness now. so what team do you play for, is it an adult team or what
  6. how do i upload pictures on to msh
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