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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. They must have had some kind of scouting report on Ellis. Perron & Boyes both made very similar moves to score.
  2. I missed David's segment...but it's on again Tues @ 10:30A and also Thurs and Sat (Juedi et Samedi, right?...I missed the times...)
  3. I'd get the name "CASPER" in Black on the back of a White jersey and you're set.
  4. wow you lookk sck :P well I think I was feeling fine.. but thanks :P Only here could you tell a woman she looks "sick" and get away with it.
  5. If I had a dollar for every time I've said..."I'm done buying gear" You could buy more gear? Good point. And eric....Yeah...that sentence should always end with 'for now'
  6. If I had a dollar for every time I've said..."I'm done buying gear"
  7. You can go back and forth but I really cant see why you would after trying it! Any chance of it coming to the Hamilton store? I don't see many extended roadtrips for skate sharpenings...mind you, gas is cheaper these days...Hmmm! Come on there Radio.....Oakville is what like 25 min away going down the mountain the new way???LOL Besides Hamilton doesnt have that machine yet. Although it will be the next store to get one! I s'pose O'ville isn't too out of the question...but I'll have to plan better....I usually wait until the day before I need them and go on my lunch (right acorss the streeet an all).
  8. You can go back and forth but I really cant see why you would after trying it! Any chance of it coming to the Hamilton store? I don't see many extended roadtrips for skate sharpenings...mind you, gas is cheaper these days...Hmmm!
  9. What is it the kids say...."Whoah, sick flop!"
  10. Again, I'm not a sharpener...so if this is a dumb question...I apologize. Once you've had your skates sharpened with FBV...can you just go back to your regular sharpener, or is the steel altered? I assume all the difference/benefit that you are describing is lost once you go back to a "normal" sharpen.
  11. ...and a goal from behind the goal line...all around good night.
  12. correction: goal and assist 4-3 Sabres in the 3rd....David's in on all 3 (1G/2A)
  13. One thing that usually gets them is "I can do this sharpening super quick or I can do it right. Which would you prefer?" I used to have a little sign on my office door that said Good Fast Cheap ...Pick TWO!
  14. I wear black laces in my white 9k's too. As close as I'll ever get to custom skates *L* I think it looks pretty good.
  15. the goaie?haha but seriously, nice shorts, or is that a girdle?and, are you wearing shins?lol Not a girdle....Pro CCM's from the Bulldogs. And,m yes...wearing shins (RBK 3k's)...but when you start with skinny chicken legs...it hardly matters what you put on them...they're gonna look skinny *L*.
  16. Don't even get me started on the bowl of mints on the counter as you leave a restaurant.
  17. Thinking of adding to mine. Want something like this: http://www.coolbuddy.com/imgs/dragon.jpg But that is far too detailed for the size I'd want it...and I want to extend the back so where the tail curls can kinda wrap around the symbol I already have.
  18. Either that goalie is very small...or your a man among boys in that League.
  19. Yes, the bags look great. I bought one of the "old" ones (weird to call it that *L*) and, that it has been a tank. JR & DEFIANT have really hyped the durability of this one, so I can only imagine how strong they must be. I know it is kind of MSH tradition to overspend on seemingly unnecessary gear, but given how well my other bag is holding up...I really can't do it...as much as I'd like too.
  20. Nice rack. I've always preferred metal to the home-made PVC or ABS ones; feels more sterile. Store fixtures are so annoyingly expensive... I was trying to find some simple aluminum T-frames to incorporate into a screenboard for my kid-goalies, and even the most basic stuff from Adco was running $150 a pop. I'm just waiting for some old department store to die in Toronto, and I'll be on that like a vulture. Come on Zellers, don't let me down... I don't have room for it here, but one day I want to build a rack out of PVC and have holes in the pipes with a small fan to blow cool air through the gear.
  21. Numbers like that and he's not going to have to worry about Press Box time this year. Good job!
  22. They are very nice gloves...where did you get them?
  23. Ask the Habs about preseason predictions...picked to finish 10-13 last year. Not that I think the Blues will catch everyone by surprise quite like that, but I think 1-4 will pretty much run away in the West...5-12 are going to all be very, very close. I agree with kovulchuk...40-45 points for David.
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