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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. The inside of my helmet is like that from the black Jock Plus skull cap I wear (in an attempt to keep sweat out of my eyes, and keep my galsses/visor from fogging)
  2. I take it you didn't see any of the interviews over the weekend. They had three logos, RBK, NHL and crosby87.com. Yeah, I did...but when you go to that site...it's all Rimouski stuff and the most recent news is his Gatorade deal...
  3. Are ya sure he's gonna wear 87 in the bigs? Lots of guys change #'s when they get to the NHL...maybe he'll go with 28 or 9 (that he wore for Canada). 87 makes you stand out on the ice, and he's gonna stand out plenty on his own. Wait and see what he's wearing 10/05. Just a thought.
  4. Rimouski should wear pants with those stripes...those look great with their shirt.
  5. You don't chew do you? :( What do you mean? Chew what? I'd assume he means tabackee
  6. I got my (newest) jersey back the other day...The place that did it custom cut the numbers based on the "1" from the Forsberg pic that I used to PS my avi....
  7. I got 'em online....a place in Michigan. What is now www.Summitonline.com (Can't remember what it was when I bought them). Reg $129 for $29.99US (less than 50 CDA/Shipped). I love them.
  8. My good stuff. Everything else is pretty basic. Mission Warp Sub Zeros & TPS (Morrow) Repsonse Rubber
  9. Leetch is pretty well known to dislike breaking in new gear. He wore the same gloves for years...when he was traded to Toronto he had the red spray painted blue instead of getting new ones.
  10. Do I win a prize for the first with the right count????
  11. how many is that? by my quick count...76....give or take. I didn't blow it up or anything...
  12. Thanks Chadd, another crazy little detail to watch for when I'm at a game. Drive my GF crazy. I notice the most mudane, silly things. Even on TV with 2 or 3 replays...usually takes her that many to see whatever I saw.
  13. Helmet: White Bauer HH4000 Helmet w/ Leader Visor Skates: CCM Tacks 600 Shin: Jofa SG 2500 Elbow: CCM 552 (just got them haven't played with them yet) Shoulder: Old Koho Profeel Gloves: Mission Warp Sub Zeros (the 3 finger Left Handed Shooter ones) Pants: CCM 652 Sticks: A couple cheap Easton shafts, with Shanny Blades Misc: Itech Sport Jock, UA Shirt and Skully Montreal logos on the helmet, pants are Royal Blue and the Gloves are, you guessed it, R/W/B. Likes & Dislikes...I don't have any complaints about any of my gear. I've already replaced the stuff I didn't like (pretty much everything) I guess I'd like better Shoulder pads (the only thing I havnet' replaced), but I'm playing Non Contact hockey, so no real worries. I wish I could afford better sticks though.
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