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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by oldtrainerguy28

  1. 8 hours ago, boo10 said:

    I still think I prefer the CCM design.  The XS uses a positive mechanical lock.  The True holder is still using a spring, which makes it vulnerable to weakening over time.  It also doesn't look serviceable, so if it breaks you're looking at a new holder.  It's clearly an improvement over the Edge design, but not much in my opinion.

    It's serviceable but the holder would need to be removed like the tuuk. 


  2. 1 hour ago, boo10 said:

    To add to JR's comments, check the holder mounts to ensure that both holders are mounted the same distance from the heel.  I'd say that somewhere around 20% of the skates I see have holders mounted too far forward on one skate. Easy to tell if both boots are the same size because you will see it looking down over the toes.  A little tougher to tell with two different sized boots.

    I'd say it's far more than 20. And also sounds like the alignment is off in the shorter boot. 

    Personally in these instances I always start with the profiles equal from the same door and adjust from there instead of trying to reverse it. 

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  3. 7 hours ago, JR Boucicaut said:

    I'm curious to see how similar this will be to Easton's MIPS helmet (which never saw retail; was set to release but they were sold to PSG and it got mothballed.)

    What I'm not looking forward to is how this helmet will be perceived as safer AND fit everyone at the same time when it's never been that way.


    I knew there was someone else who was intending to go with MIPS.  I remember hearing that at the CSA meeting.   Easton eh..  hummmm.  

    I think it will be the same as all other helmets and only fit a majority not all. 

  4. 4 hours ago, althoma1 said:


    That article says it's called the Dynamic 9 Pro, uses the MIPS brain protection system and is set to launch in November 2019. I read somewhere else that the launch was moved up to October 2019, but either way, it looks like it's a fall launch.

    MIPS tech the #1 group of helmets in the world on multiple sports. It should be extremely interesting.  I think it looks like a 5000 Warrior cross..  

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  5. 2 hours ago, BenBreeg said:

    Sounds like it isn’t so much the solution but the process of determining the parameters of the solution.  You can shim and profile to your heart’s content but it pretty much completely trial and error at this point.

    Exactly!!! This process tells you where and how much of a change is needed.!! Great idea for an opening line to explain it. Thanks

  6. 28 minutes ago, caveman27 said:

    OK. If your product involves raising the heel up that much, then it sounds like the product wants the skater's foot angle to be downward, as if he were standing on the balls of his feet, instead of flat. It's kind of interesting, because then, it would also replicate the same effect of not lacing up the top eyelet.

    Not everyone is the same though. Some need it in the toe. It's all science based. It can't be just it's this or that. The Jump Test tells the majority of the story and it goes from there. 




  7. 3 minutes ago, caveman27 said:

    Seems like it does the same thing as re-profiling of blades if all it is doing is changing the balance point. If I adding a layer of shim inside the skate at the heel, then, you are getting the same effect as adding a forward pitch to the blade profile. And if your skates have a factory pitch (or even possibly a negative pitch from poor skate sharpening), then raising the heel would give you a forward pitch and all the benefits that come with a forward pitch blade profile.

    Not even close.  There is no way to profile the blades to the degrees that voukd be needed.  Plus each foot is usually different.  My son was just redone and because of his growth has changed dramatically.  

  8. 9 hours ago, smcgreg said:

    To condense my point more clearly, I'll put it this way.... I think there is greater potential for a biomechanical approach to skate alignment to be more beneficial to skating than cleat alignment to cycling.  That being said, simply throwing biomechanical and "sciency" approaches at a problem and claiming miraculous results still leaves open the possibility that the overall approach is quackery and with skating it's honestly more difficult to tell.  So, I'll remain critically interested in more information that will hopefully be forthcoming.

    If you'd like I showed Mr Kelly the thread today. Simply email the website and hed be happy to answer your questions.  

  9. 3 hours ago, Sniper9 said:

    From pictures I've seen step is making the steel for the new holders. 

    Below is the ig acct for pro skate corner. Some pics of the new tongue. Theres more pics floating out there on IG. 


    Correct Step is making the steel and talked to both today a ton of stock will be ready to ship soon. All steel will go through True. Yes the holder runner is patent pending world wide so I think it will be a while before there are any knock offs. Besides it's a very intricate design and not like a typical blade. 

    Should be interesting.  

  10. 3 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

    Frankly, I am surprised it took as long as it has for this to happen. In the worlds of road and track cycling, cleat alignment and fitting to biomechanics has been going on for a very, very long time. 

    Good on them for finally doing something. No, this does not even hint at being snake oil.

    Actually thoughts you were trying to be funny about the snake oil till I read all about bikes and cleat alignmenton.  


    Wow that's crazy!!!

  11. 7 minutes ago, Nicholas G said:

    Nex time I'm out East I need to visit and get this done. I am VERY interested in it. 

    I can do the Jump Test via online. But I would need the akates for alignment and such.  But yes way better if you could come see for yourself. 


    Let me know!!

  12. 1 hour ago, smcgreg said:

    Thanks.  I'll reiterate my main question from before

    "Can you enlighten us a bit more on how the process is made so darn accurate? "

    If you can't do that, it's fine, but that's what I'm really interested in.  As one who has modified his own Makos with the following modifications

    1) Lateral shim between boot and holder on right skate, no shims on left

    2) moving the blade laterally as far as can be accomodated with the Mako boot

    3) left skate -1 vs stock CXN and right skate -2 vs stock CXN

    4) tweaking of the right footbed, depending on the footbed (I've tried them all)

    So, you can see I think about this quite a bit and have actually done most of the things this company is doing.  So, I'm just wondering how the get things so darn accurate, because I've thought about how to do that myself. 

    Again, I'm legitimately curious and if they can substantiate how they do it and can do it better than what I've worked out on my own, I'd be very interested in utilizing the system. 


    The simple answer is the "jump test". .

    Ex: my don during the jump test had his left heel raise 22mm before the right was ar 5mm off the ground. When landing they were equal. Hence his left skate had a heel lift. How Mr. Kelly determines all of the data is his patented analytic report and work of 15 years.  

    So with your son if we I'd the jump test we could tell you what needed to go where. As you have all the pieces you could just add it to where was needed. 

    As for alingbment he has a knack for seeing your sons foot and alignment is done how he feels he would be balanced via the centers of the boot from manufacturing not from where you think it should be as the appearance of center in the heel for instance is usually incorrect.  Hopefully that helps a little more. I'm just the installation guy... hahaha if you'd like I can forward the question?


    Hes by trade a engineer and has worked for the US military and NASA   

    His skating background is Olympic speedskater, University Hockey Player (with Mike Babcock at McGill) and figure skater. His wife also an Olympic Figure Skater. Not to mention again his father Red Kelly (recently passed) and HHOF member and his mother a figure skating coach. 

    Just incase someone wondered if had ever skated and how he would be qualified for this. Hehehe.  

  13. A. It's a shim system and blade alignment.  He recommends you use your normal profile as long as it's not something drastically pitched or large combo. 

    Once the skate is balanced you will find the need for drastic profiles isnt as necessary.  

    B: Website. 

    Mr. Kelly wasn't getting much traction and as you all have mentioned it didnt explain as well as it could have what it does. At the time if its release it was only himself doing the work in Lake Placid. Since he started working with the Leaf and Tampa players we connected through the skating coach and have I convinced him we could take it to the masses. So bear with it as we do the best possible to bring it forward.  

    If there is anything you all would like to see on it I can pass it along and I can try and get them to add it. 


  14. 2 minutes ago, smcgreg said:

    OTG, it was somewhat tongue in cheek, because knowing you as long as I have, I think you are genuine.  On the other hand, if you take the two threads together the cynical might infer less genuine intent.  If I recall over the years, you have made similar comments to others who have made unsubstantiated claims in a similar fashion. 

    Maybe it would be better if somebody could simply state what these things are CLEARLY and what they are intended to do.  The website doesn't make it clear.  You alluded to them in response to me in the VH thread, but again, not what they were, just that they made your son a better hockey player without me bringing them up.  Others have specifically asked what they are, but all answers have been rather nebulous and point to the fact it's expensive, but...... 

    See what I'm getting at?  I'm genuinely curious and have posted comments and observations related to shims etc for years.  So, I'd like to know what's going on and what might be possible if they were available to the general public. 


    Well thanks for that and you are correct I have done that hence why I was trying to be a little vague.  

    So basically its shimming and a alignment of a skate for each person individual needs. Sometimes they are front sometimes rear. 

    Mr. Kelly has worked out a process that is pretty darn accurate and takes the guess work out for EQM. Some the players can actually test the ice temp and adjust extra inside the skate to maintain the same feeling.  

    Not sure what else there is to explain? It's a patented system to evaluate so I don't know how it determines what everyone needs I just install as asked. 

  15. Well sorry you feel that way. However I didnt start the thread not do I know the person who did. 

    And if i wanted to promote it i would simply as @JR Boucicaut for a promo pack and do so. 

    But honestly I'm to busy to take more clients at this time. I'll I was aiming to to do was to answer questions so that the information was correct. Feel free to have the thread deleted. 


    PS: I was one of the first on this board so I can understand your point. 

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