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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by oldtrainerguy28

  1. 2 hours ago, Furyan said:

    Hey guys,

    I've got a problem with my FT2s

    After 4 month of usage I found out serious problem with both holders

    The blades mounted on each holder start to wobbling

    Now is absolutely impossible to use a regular CCM steel, and with my fresh Step blades (because they are wider) i have wobbling effect little bit less but I feel it (mostly on right holder)

    So, are there any experienced guys who faced with such kind of situation (all the servicemen advice me just replace both holders to new ones, and told me that newer even heard about same cases before...)

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance

    Under warranty.  Get them replaced.  

  2. On 11/28/2019 at 1:27 PM, sbecks72986 said:

    Yea I have custom 2X pro, coming for retail 1X, the process is easy and fast. The scan said I was a perfect match for vapor. I got the skates in about 13 business days. They are the most comfortable best fitting skates I’ve ever had. No complaints from me.

    Check the blade alignment 

  3. 8 hours ago, mtn said:

    Hmmm... Well, I understand the official stance and the site (and anybody with potential liability) taking a hard-line stance on this, but real-world impact would have to be minimal. I'll take the risk for myself, because I believe it to be minimal (have done it on 3 helmets so far, no ill-effects, all helmets are still in good shape and only retired due to age, hardening of foam, and pads falling out).

    If I didn't throw it away already, I'm going to take an old helmet and cut it into pieces to submerge it in acetone, another in mineral spirits, and a third in alcohol. If I did throw it out, then I won't be able to. In any case, IIRC from my HS chemistry days, different plastics react differently to different solvents. It is why acetone can melt plastics, yet it is stored in plastic. Aside from that, there is a difference in submerging something in it and keeping it in it, and using a small amount on a cotton swab to remove the paint on it. 

    We had a client use solvents to clean a goal mask (One of the plastic type) 

    After they painted it. 

    After a month so.eone took a snapshot and it went through the helmet where it was now soft and gave them a brain injury. 

    Why play with fire? 

    It would be good to see the results of your test though.  

  4. 20 minutes ago, mtn said:

    @oldtrainerguy28 what is the issue with using a football headform? You keep bringing that up, but I cannot see why that would be an issue unless I am misunderstanding what a headform is. It is a model head, correct? Are you saying that there is a significant difference in the average football players head and the average hockey players head? Also, where are you getting your information on the headforms, necks, etc.? 

    I do agree with a lot of what you say - fit is the most important thing, and helmets can't really prevent the brain slowing down and hitting the skull... Except... when looking through the other ratings for bicycle helmets, it seems that the MIPS helmets all perform better than non-MIPS helmets. This makes a lot of sense to me, as MIPS, if working correctly, will essentially give the head another few millimeters to slow down - a crumple zone if you will. Obviously the helmets have to be larger for this, but they don't have to be heavier which would be the real issue (whiplash). I don't think MIPS will have much real-world effect, but I don't think it can hurt. Are there any other systems, named or not, that have a similar effect?

    Ultimately I do not believe the VT study is bunk, as you're saying, but I want to see the data you're looking at and understand your position. I definitely don't think it is the end-all-be-all either, but I would view it as a valuable guide, knowing that the most important thing for any helmet is that it is properly fitted. Especially as it actually has rankings, compared to HECC/CSA pass/fail method. 



    I'm on the CSA board. 

    Most of the information is available on the sites. 

    I'm not the head form expert on the board but my understanding is there is a significant difference in the way the helmet sits for hockey and football.  

    The main reason for going with MIPS technology is that it has a better effect on rotational impacts notnkn direct impacts. Therefore, with hockey concussions being 80% rotational the big reason for going to the MIPS technology.  

    As for the head form and neck form as stated I'm not the expert but every expert and scientist on the board or as a guest has said there tests are not realistic and would not give the same a answers if hockey headforms were used. 

    I'll try and think of a good analogy. 


  5. 10 hours ago, Sniper9 said:

    Anyone swap their old to guess for the new ones? Just wondering if you had to re hear mould the skates along with the new tongue. I really don't want to do this as the skates are pretty dialed in. I noticed the new tongues are almost if not just as thick as the felt ones so it may not be necessary, and just get away with heating the tongues alone. 

    The tongue is very pliable. No need to remold. 

  6. 1 hour ago, mtn said:

    A few things... 

    1: Can anyone link the VT Testing method thread? Would like to read through it. Incidentally, with the MIPS I expect it to do well in the test... I'm just not sure how much that matters, although from a physics POV it makes sense to me. 

    2: I've heard that folks have been having a hard time getting a cage to fit it. Anyone have any insight on that, as well as a visor?

    3: Is the True logo on this bucket painted on, glued on, or what? I like to take a razor blade and/or nail polish remover to my buckets.

    Never use nail polish on a helmet ever!

  7. 1 hour ago, Stewie said:

    I believe there is already a topic where this has been discussed at length. Can we stick to discussing the helmet here?

    Kinda is......Just saying. Discussing whether or not the new True helmet will get a good rating or not. I think with the Mips it will do well. 

    Yes, I know biased. 

  8. 42 minutes ago, flip12 said:

    Yeah, you've stated so much, but only vaguely. Can you be more specific? What is the downfall of their approach or their setup? How are their head forms substandard? Did they make their own head forms or did they use ones typically used for other sports? I'm actually not clear on what you're saying which is why I keep hoping you'll elaborate.

    Let me see if I can clarify as I do not pay as much attention to the details of the head forms because I do not understand all that is entailed in the whole thing. But I do my best in the meetings to understand the main points. The head forms VT uses are football head forms. Therefore the head form is not attached tot he head the same and is modified to do so.

    The IE and HECC and CSA all use a standardized head form for hockey helmets. They all fit and are attached the same way.

    However, VT uses a modified neck form that NOBODY else uses to attempt to simulate rotational impacts. The neck form used is made in a way that is not the way a hockey player would take a hit and the end result would be squed, from an actual real-life playing situation. My understanding is all the hockey helmet testing programs have been vigorously working over the last 4 years to come up with a test for rotational impacts and the present hockey helmet using the head form used in testing now. It's not as simple as sticking a head form on a neck form and calling the test results facts. So far all the testing has given non-consistant data and hence why there is no set program yet for rotational impact testing. 

    • Like 1

  9. 1 hour ago, flip12 said:

    You keep saying that, but never provide any substantial critique of their system. It seems most of your beef with them is that they’re doing things differently.

    Actually I have stated numerous times about the sub standard or incorrect head forms they are using that do not meet the standard of which all other bodies use to  test the helmets. They have made up there own forms and used neck forms that are made for other helmets and other sports. Cant be much clearer than that. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, EBondo said:

    You want to know what's funny? I shipped a TRUE helmet to Virginia Tech this week from my Pure Hockey store. 

    Can't wait to see the see the results. 

    That happens when a company wont send a helmet to be tested VT then had to purchase all the helmets 


    • Like 1

  11. 2 hours ago, IPv6Freely said:

    Yep, for sure!

    For many people, they are trying to decide between a Sparx and something like the X01. You see lots of encouragement to go manual, until they do, at which point they apparently become idiots who should be bashed for trying by the god sharpeners because it’s an ART that only THEY know how to do.

    Wow. God sharpeners?

    And actually it is an art. Offended?

    Not at all. But when someone like myself that always is looking to improve the way they do things and always is out to help a new sharpener, if it is a parent or an employee kind of a slap to some of us that's for sure. 

    Some of the people I have trained are now.

    2 in the OHL:

    1 Team Canada

    1 Team China (Highest paid female EQM in the world) 

    I take a ton of pride in my job as a sharpener and educator. You want to bash the guys that have been doing it forever go right ahead.

    Oh, wait that's what Sparx did when they started in their very first Ad Campaign. (Use our machine Pro Shops are useless) 

    I was hoping to come on this thread now and help educate some of the lesser experienced sharpeners as I have had 3 customers that have ruined their steel with a Sparx machine. 

    Seems like the knowledge is not required. 


    Next time maybe use a little less of a wide brush when painting all the experienced sharpeners on the board. Especially the ones that have been here since DAY 1 and before.  


    Have an amazing day!!!! 🙂



    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1

  12. 12 minutes ago, SkateWorksPNW said:

    It blows my mind that people think ALL visible/exposed steel needs to be sharpened. This is how people end up with banana blades. lol

    Even more so with the Wanna Be sharpeners at home that read a few things here and there and call themselves experts yet have never actually sharpened a skate in real life. There are some great parents that really do try and do a great job and have only distant access to a real professional. Or maybe their town doesn't really have one.

  13. 9 hours ago, SkateWorksPNW said:

    1: You don't need to go so high on the toe/heel when you sharpen. You are never skating on those areas of the steel. 

    2: You can use it to fix an edge in a pinch, but don't over use it as constant use bends the steel edges inward which will then require more passes to repair. 

    So surprised it took that long for someone to actually answer the question correctly.  If you skate on that part of the blade front or back your already on the ground.  Its impossible to skate on either portion.  Lower the wheel and don't waiste the steel.  It only further reduces a good profile you may have. 

    • Like 1

  14. 4 minutes ago, BenBreeg said:

    Gotcha, I saw that once I clicked over to the site, sorry.  But there is no price or option to purchase the basic setup.  It shows it above the custom on the page but no price, no link to add to cart or anything.

    You would need to contact for price. 

    In Toronto with me the basic including alignment and profile and internal parts is 250. My apologies if stepping on boundries.  Gladly delete and PM if  it allowed. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, BenBreeg said:

    How accessible is RDH testing?  Looks like you can order the physical shims but I thought the value was the process, getting it right.  What is their business model?  It says it comes with instructions but from what I have heard you talking about it seems like there is more to it (treadmill and stuff).

    The treadmill and in ice is the full blown package where he comes to you depending on distance. lifts external and so on. it's not cheap or for the once a week player. The over the net package most can do. And works surprisingly well if your blades are well aligned 

  16. On 11/1/2019 at 5:11 AM, hockeydad3 said:

    As far as i know there are three different ways to change the lie of a skate to achieve a forward lie:

    1. Using an insole with a heel-lift or using a shim beneath the heel-part of the insole.

    2. Using a shim between the boot and the heel-part of the holder.

    3. Changing the profile of the runner with a forward pitch.

    Do these methods have the same results?

    Are there pro`s and con´s of the different methods?

    Red dog hockey boost is your best solution if you want it done once and are keeping the skates for a long period. 

    Guessing is no longer an issue only slight minor internal tweaks would be done after. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, JR Boucicaut said:

    Agreed; I did my best work when I worked out of a rink shop.  Very easy to make an appointment and figure things out.

    However, what Prosharp (and I do) with the profile testing is a great option. Having every size runner with different profiles on them is pretty cool.

    sure if you can afford to have that much wrapped up in extra steel!!

    Here is an NHL player that was diagonosed up close. It was first verified at the rink and then adjusted after a treadmill session. 

    Formally on one of those Pre-setups that some companies do not sure if they used Prosharp but some form of profiling as per height and weight etc in the first video. 2nd was after watching and blade alignment.  The skates brand new out of the box were so far off its embarrassing.  


  18. 31 minutes ago, JR Boucicaut said:

    It was about the steel, not the profile.  

    What Bauer/Prosharp is going to do is offer custom profiles through the MyBauer portal.

    Not to mention I never said anything negative about Prosharp as a company. 

    But the more I delve into profiling and blade alignment I can phafthom how people do profiles when A: you have never seen them skate or seen a video of them skate.

    B: Confirm the fit and blade alignment. 

    I would 70% of the Bauer skates I get in are misaligned. Left skate is usually bent by the trigger and right is toe in heel out. 

    If you go by the insole v cut in the back of most if the newer skates it's amazing how far off some of them are.  If say probably the main reason Mathews switched to CCM.  Could never get on his blade the way he wanted. IMO. 

  19. 4 hours ago, SkateWorksPNW said:

    I find this to be the most interesting part of the entire situation 


    "Bauer Hockey has continuously invested into its newest skate collections, including with the recent launch of the new Bauer Pulse Ti and Pulse blades. The Pulse Ti utilizes a titanium coating to increase durability and offers premium in-game edge retention.

    Additionally, the new Bauer steel product line features the highest-performing steel on the market, and a new custom program through the MyBauer platform. New blade profiles were developed and tested in partnership with premier skate profiler, ProSharp, and allow for greater ice contact and maximum consistency throughout each stride and turn."

    But they should have had it ready to launch prior to making Step stop so that the NHL had time to test and endorse.  Now you just pissed everyone off. Highly likely they wont be as receptive now. 

    especially the profiling aspect. 



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