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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About elevation

  • Birthday 12/13/1966


  • Skates
    MLX, Kor1+2, CCM V Pro
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa7500, TPS R10
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa/RBK 8K Pro, 6K
  • Shoulder Pads
    Jofa/RBK 8K, TPS R8
  • Pants
    Tackla 9000, Reebok 9k
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
  • Stick
    TPS R10, R8, XN10

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  1. looks very nice...wow
  2. ...and the 8k doesn't come with any lining inside, the cup fits much better over pants than my 10k...2 straps were my reason to switch to 10K as well...maybe I'll just sew those RBK metal/plastik hooks they got on the garter-belt on my 8K...don't like the plastic things on the 10K too much...
  3. couldn't you just send a picture of your Schultz gloves to Eagle to get this cuff?
  4. ^^wow...and what are the 2 refs doing there...lol
  5. Hull is the new Tbl Fan....nice gloves though ;-)
  6. Girlfriends, wives or similar stay off the bench! My teammates suddenly morph from superheroic idiots to permanently self-declaring ..., whatever you name it, and vice versa...so get out of MY bench! ;-)
  7. Got those today: Not sure about the biceps-protectors, but fit and ventilation are great. Finally got some! I guess those are the 'old' ones: BTW. two 'oldschool' sticks (late 70s). No, Torspo is not from Russia and second, not only Sweden made some Jofas ;-)
  8. Yes I guess those are hard to find especially in Europe...I only got mine, because I knew the guy, the sticks were made for...those are the 'old 08' R8...I never had or even have seen a SW in a dual or triple flex...but regarding all the new specs like different flexzones or tapers, I think the R10 'regular' is pretty close to SW. I'd really like to get a dualflex (new) R8 SW though...I'm looking forward to my R7 standard shafts...never heard of them...getting them for inline/summer...in W. B)
  9. guess what sticks I prefer...SW is my favourite flex...still R7 (!) and R8 shafts to come... Sticks at home
  10. hey liroadrunners...I'm fro Germany as well...IW sends to Germ...but we do have a distributer for RR here too!!
  11. Try the search here...I heard of them here before and that this steel is supposed to be pretty good, even the regular ones...I'd like to try.
  12. Hi JR!! What happened to your sticks??? Uri Geller's 08pros ??
  13. Same question about the Compro Evolution...?
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