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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by djinferno

  1. Hull but I played there last year, you where at Sensplex right...
  2. vapor xxx skates would fit better, just give me the one95's lol
  3. nice socks budro727
  4. dam i'm a flashy dude and i dont think i could pull that all white skate off...
  5. nice skates hockeydawg44, saw them at my lhs today, the build quality on them looks top notch comparing to the one90
  6. Mine are 14" and they're pretty snug....maybe a little too snug. I'm not sure yet. yeah i wore 14's for the longest time but now that i'm in 15's i would never go back
  7. wow, you have small hands, i wear 15
  8. Wow killthepoodle, nice pants, theres nothing like pro pants...
  9. new addition to the family http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/y...22_1996_5312560 not my pic but since there mine now i guess it's ok
  10. holy smokes, the built quality lookes better on the one95
  11. looks like magog or drumonville to me, Laval woul be 450 on the publicity
  12. love the vector gloves, i use the same ones
  13. I will be at that game in Ottawa, hope he burns them bad
  14. wow tjl_48, nice one95's and xxx gloves...
  15. they say he acts bad around other players, shows up late to practice and throws his hands in the air wen someone misses a pass at practice... if you ask me David is in thought because they drafted him because he was an exciting player, flashy with white Grafs (when he got drafted) with good hands and allot of vision but when he gets to ST-Louis, they paint his skates and ask him to tone his style down... Same with Robby Schremp, if you draft a guy for what he was doing, why try to change him like that? Honestly, who cares if he has white skates? guys like Antropov, Tucker, Mara have em and I don't see it as being a problem, his decisions make him who he is, who you originally drafted...
  16. interesting point of vue, don't understand it since you don't see a pic when you quote something
  17. http://images.sportsline.com/u/gettyimages...19_1024x768.jpg
  18. would be better if carbon was darker... nice skates...
  19. whait a minute, where is the lace lock? :(
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