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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Konig von Kuhlem

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  1. Thanks for your help! I'm excited to explore this rocking motion in more detail and discover what works for my skating style.
  2. So I just got my Marsblade ice holders installed on my TRUE boot. Tonight was my first skate/game. I had the blades profiled to be the same as my step steel from my other skates. I know I haven't given it enough ice time yet, but my initial reaction was that they are much heavier. Also, it's like I'm trying to figure out what techniques work the test with this technology. Does anyone have any tips on how to get the most out of this blade? Thanks!
  3. I just heard the same thing about the "Gold Steel" line from my skate shop.
  4. I guess the big Gaborik curve went the way of the dodo. There is still an Yzerman pattern for the hybrid/wood blades, but not for the composites.
  5. Hmmm... Out of curiosity, I wonder why Eagle doesn't advertise their player sticks in the catalogue.
  6. I also have a sickick pro stock. Coming from a Synergy SL it does seem a bit heavier, but I must say my slapshot seems to have a bit more zing on it! :D Overall, it has also has a nice feel to it.
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