Easton 100 gloves are great, I got them as a Canadiantire SMU this year,(easton "Reflex") light come broken in but not much protection. I cant remember the last time i got slashed in the hand though
Helmet: CCM Skates: Mission L3 Pure Shoulders: ????? Shins: easton octane Elbows: franklin Pants: TPS 6500 Gloves: Easton Reflex nylon Stick: BAuer Vapor 1, Sherwood 5030 Tape: some crap "Sportstape" that can't even hold one period(never ask someone to buy hockey stuff for you)
i remember mshers talking about that i forgot which thread though... ithink someone said its great because it streching but very elastic like... i think JR said it?
any canadians might of heard of him Classified hes a rapper i think he just made a video definitely check him out if your into that Muse, taking back sunday and Cute Is What We Aim For is good too UPDATE:I dont know if anyone said anything yet. Plaint white T's and Say Anything are good.
The pens will be amazing in the incoming years.Especially if they do shit this year(another top 5 pick).Malkin and Crosby are the new Jagr and Lemieux.