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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Razr

  • Birthday 12/12/1986

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  1. Bauer Supreme One95 Flex: 102 Curve: Gagne Height: 5'9 Weight: 170 Postition: Defense Time-frame of use: 3 months- just finished a Memorial Day tournament of 8 games within 2 days. Aesthetics: Great looking twig, I especially love the flat black from the kick-point down. Graphics are pretty simple and basic which makes it more appealing. Just lose the Nike sign and it's Top Notch. 10/10 Assembly: I wasn't sure if I was going to like this or not being it's not a monocomp stick anymore, but it actually seems better put together than previous Bauer sticks. 10/10 Weight and Balance: This is probably the stick's only downfall. It seems to be a bit bottom heavy which is a little tough to get used to if you're switching from an elite stick such as the S17, V10.0, Easton SE, MacDaddy, Etc. After the first few skates I actually liked it more than anything else I have tried. 9/10 Blade: Best blades ever made. I found out from a Bauer rep that they were Mission ProStock blades pretty much that went into these sticks. I used to use one about 2 years ago and someone stole the stick with the blade in it. This blade has such GREAT puck feel as well as durability. I leave my heels un-taped (when I can) and it shows .01% of wear. Impressive. 10/10 Shaft/Flex: The shaft has such a great feel to it like the Vapor XXX and the One90 combined... it has a little bit of a concave feel as well (which I used to LOVE with TPS' XN10) so you have really good feel throughout the shaft. I really love the textile grip they have in the "shooting zone" of the shaft... this has really helped me to improve my slap shot. Being right handed, the shaft has a zone where your hand is 'guided' by the textile grip to let you maximize your power and control of the shot. 10/10 Stickhandling and Passing: Being it's a touch bottom heavy, the stick handling is a little less sensitive than that of the SE16 and the S17, however it still has a really nice feel for the puck. Passing is great with this stick. I think a lot of passing has to do with the curve, rather the shaft. However the shaft's combination of the concave walls and the textile grip helps to add in it's dimension of adding power to the passing game. 8/10 Shooting: "Unbelievable." -Leafsrule16. Very True. Again, I feel a lot has to do with the concavity in the walls and the textile grip. My shot is EASILY more accurate and has a little more on it than when I was using the Easton SE. 10/10 Durability: "Rock solid." -Leafsrule16. Quoting again, because simply the MOST durable stick I have used since the Shaft+ Mission PS blade days. The paint scuffs and chips easily, however the stick itself is really solid. 9/10 Conclusion: The stick is a touch pricey with the $190 price tag (non grip) but I do believe it is well worth it. I have shot with the S17 and I can not justify $200 for that as those whip out quick and Easton's durability is usually pretty piss poor for long term. I am a picky user when it comes to the twigs and I play at the college club level so I need something that will last and not just fall apart. I love this product and would definitely recommend it to anyone. 9/10
  2. Helmet: Bauer 4000 Visor: Oakley Pro Cut Shoulder pads: Easton Synergy 300s Elbow pads: Easton Synergy 300s Gloves: Compuware Easton PRO STOCK Pants: Tackla Air 9000 Shin pads: Bauer 4000 Skates: Graf 705 w/ Tuuk LS2 holders Stick: Easton Synergy Elite Forsberg Curve 85 Flex
  3. Helmet: Bauer 5000 Visor: Oakley Pro straight Shoulder pads: Easton Synergy 300 Elbow pads: Easton Synergy 300 Gloves: TPS Bionic/RBK 5K Pants: Bauer Supreme 3000 Shin pads: Easton Synergy 300 Skates: Graf 703 8.5W w/ Tuuk LS2 Runners and steel (non perforated) Stick(s): TPS Response XN10 R2 w/ Warrior Dolomite-2 Blade-Curve Robitaille TPS Response Pro-Stock Curve:3 Easton Synthesis w/ Mission ProStock blade (Modano-similar curve) Mission M-2 w/ Mission L-2 Blade, Pattern: Elias Powertek w/ Mission L-2 Blade, Pattern: Elias
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