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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by #96

  1. Netminder, are you and MissConduct married or something? If I ever have the priveledge of shooting on ya, I think I'm going high-blocker or 5-hole. :lol:
  2. For finesse and beauty: Paul Coffey and Brett Hedican. Soo damn smooth. With little effort, they just glide over the ice. For speed: Bure, Gaborik, Modano (up to a few years ago), even Marty Straka. For strength: Guerin, Thornton, Murray, Jags. All those guys are strong MoFos, hard to knock off, while still getting a good skate. Even Lindros is pretty quick for a big guy. Kovale is pretty strong on the ice too. Overal: Fedorov. Fantastic skater. Honorable mention: Marty Rucinsky, he's really smooth out there. Very skilled skater. Old Timers (haven't seen too many old timers actually play, so they are recent old timers): Gartner, Russ Courtnall.
  3. I had a Franklin retail Guerin which I felt was alot like the Iginla. maybe the curve was a little more mid-toeish than the Easton Iggy though. Pretty nice. If you look at his pictures on Getty, it's pretty clear it's a Drury/YP. It's funny. One thing I've learned from MSH was the ability to flip through pictures of games and stuff and pick out the YP patterns. It's amazing how many players use it specifically or slight variations. I personally hate flip and openess of any kind in a blade.
  4. Yeah those are the old Pro and Retail graphics from a few years ago. I just got a catolog in the mail, and it says that the Innovative Roberts pattern is a Round toe. Not square. But in the pics provided above, the Roberts is a square toe. What gives? Which is which? The pics kinda look like my old Inno Selanne Pro from hockeyandskateoutlet. Im guessing pics were his Pro pattern? So what does the retail Roberts look like?
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