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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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jeffg last won the day on November 7 2021

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  1. I see Warrior has a Dahlin curve now. I read the reviews and saw some pictures. I know it's supposed to be a deeper P92. Looking for info from someone who has actually use it as to how it plays compared to a W28
  2. Looking at the warrior customizer, I see they have a Dahlin curve. I read the description and seen some pictures online. Has anyone used the curve and can they compare how it plays in comparison to the W28?
  3. I am considering a custom helmet. How is the weight of a custom helmet vs retail? I have a retail and it feels heavy when you hold it, but don’t really notice it when I’m wearing it
  4. Noticed Vancouver and Arizona sporting matte colored helmets. Vancouver’s black helmet looks good. A new trend? Anyone with info on these? Is it a wrap?
  5. Is the Malkin 2 similar to the p90tm?
  6. nice looking pants, but at the current conversion rate for euros to USD that is outrageous 299 euros = $328 USD https://eur.currencyrate.today/convert/amount-299-to-usd.html
  7. I am looking for suggestions on what to use to repair the elastic webbing on the inseam of my hockey Tackla pants. They are old, but comfortable. I found this on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0864ZL7LN/?coliid=IE1Z21VLMH7SF&colid=15V6XATOKGVF8&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1 It appears to be a nylon spandex. I am hoping the local tailor can sew it into place
  8. Has anyone had any problems with Bauer's Powerfly X runners in a LS Edge holder? I know Bauer says they are compatible. I found this video on Hockey Tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gIrUKGyncw) and wondered if there is any credibility to it since the Powerfly runner is tapered and the LS Edge holder is apparently not
  9. Has anyone use this or the CCM Ghost? thoughts on stick handling, catching passes, shooting & durability? aside from the very high price tag
  10. Haven’t seen any new holders being used in pre season games https://forums.hfboards.com/threads/bauer-powerfly-holder.2940850/ wonder if there is an issue
  11. I have a bunion on the side of my big toe and my Bauer 3x Pro size 7.5 fit 3 rubs. The bunion rubs where the toe cap joins the boot, so the there is no good way to punch it out. I recently got to try a pair of Hyperlite skates 7.5 fit3, and for some reason the rubbing was less. I was wondering if I went up a half size to a size 8 fit if they would be a little wider and not rub or at least move my foot back more towards the heel of the skate and away from where the toecap joins the skate boot.
  12. I looked at the My Bauer custom skate web site and that is still basically a stock skate. I have no issue with going a true Pro custom built skate, if I could find someone to fit me and order it from. I don't live in area where hockey pro shops are close. Can I get an oversized toe cap?
  13. I have worn Bauer Vapor skates in size 7.5 EE for a long time. I recently purchased a pair of Bauer 3x Pro skates in size 7.5 fit 3 I like the skates, but they are making my bunion worse. The skate rubs on one foot near the joint of the big toe. I also tried a pair of Bauer Mach Skates on size 7.5 fit 3 thinking they would be better but they were too tight in the forefoot I have tried punching out the skate but it has not solved the issue. The skate rubs my foot were the toe cap joins with the skate. I was wondering if going up to a size 8 fit 3 would move the toe cap forward enough to stop the rubbing? I swear Bauer has made the skates smaller with their new fit system (not a fan)
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