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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by nicksmission14

  1. I don't think Nu-Finish is a good choice because it's very abrasive actually. However, I don't see why a modern non-carnauba based automotive sealant that's designed to sheet water wouldn't do the same thing. Some modern sealants have amazing durability and ability to sheet water. I still own distribution rights for a large chemical manufacturer. If a sharpening shop wanted to test out a product I think would work, I'd be more then glad to send some out for free and see if they like it. It's an aircraft grade product with strong adhesion properties to stainless steel. Lot more cost effective than this too.
  2. If I'm reading the chart correctly... No should be less.
  3. 100/75 was to much bite. I am going to go to 100/50, think that will be better. Love the glide of the FB though.
  4. Based on the thread I decided to give the Flat Bottom V a shot, I typically skate on a 1/2" and I'm going to give the 100/75 a go. I'm very curious to see how it feels.
  5. There is so many options it's really crazy. I mean Bauer can pretty much do anything, the key is having the right skate fitter. Some quick examples, if a boot is too shallow for you, they can add volume. If it's too deep, they can make it shallow.. If you have orthotics they can build the skate to the orthotic. Those are just a couple examples of major fitment changes.
  6. Agreed on the shins.. While I know that the Fury Gloves Avery is wearing are Eagles.. They still look sweet.
  7. Love the Great Whites... After I'm done with these G3's I'm def. doing some Custom G3 ultras just like that. I wonder if Graf does all white tongues?
  8. Digging JR's Z-Airs and the Junior Penguins gloves. Sweet...
  9. I know everything comes out in the spring.. But any ETA on the when the 120 AG Skates hit the market?
  10. Here were my One90's with T-Blades. I was going to sell them on Ebay, But decided against it after talking with some people who have skated in the One90's for awhile. The skates are at my LHS having the old holder's put back on. T-Blades just aren't for me. The skate was crazy light I must say.
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