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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About thekid

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  1. I sliced my finger sharpening skates :(
  2. why does my computer nevr show pics on this forum ?
  3. Im thinking its gunna be like $599 for XXX, 699 for One90's, and 799 for XXXX or maybe theyll keep ther price and maybe price the XXXX for 799-899
  4. Helmet- RBK 9K Pants- Tackla 591 skates - Bauer Vapor 5 ( upgrading real soon ) gloves - Eagle x90 Shin: stealth chest: Bauer 4000 elbow: rbk stick: Synergy The first one :) / Vapor XXX lite P91 (Drury clone) Where can I get Pro Stocks OPS ? I know Monkeyhockey.com has easton, warrior, and mission but were can I get bauer, and cmm ps sticks ?
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