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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mxpowder

  1. Anyone have an opinion on grip liner vs stock liner for APX skates?
  2. Ok, so I'm planning on ordering a pair of custom APX skates. If you were In my "skates", what would you do? Me: - 175 lbs - Narrow foot and ankle - previously had lace bite problems with stock skate sizes - I skate with top eyelit undone, more forward flex History: My last pair of skates were custom Vapor 40's that I was happy with. - double thick pro felt toungue - extra ankle padding - double stiched - 3mm heel lift - size B forefoot, AA heel So I'd like some recommendations from those with experience. Since I'm going to do a custom order, should I get extra ankle padding and thick toungue. With the Alive material would it be better if I didn't get extra padding and thick toungue? I was thinking about getting stiffness #1 due to some saying these skates are very stiff? (prior Vapor 40's were retail stiffness). I will try some on to confirm length and how much boot should be cut back, but don't really trust any local shops since they don't do many custom orders. When I do make my custom order, I will go over specs and sizing with shop I use. Just would really like some input from those with some more experiance. Thanks in advance for any helpful input.
  3. JR, sent you an email to see if your willing to give me some remote advice. Tried a pm but not working right on my mobile.
  4. I called down to Jake and seem pretty knowledgeable even though it was a short conversation. Anyone else order custom Bauers through Jake?
  5. Anyone know of a good shop in So. California who regularly does custom orders from Bauer? My current pair of skates are a wonderful fitting pair of custom Vapor XXXX. I have a narrow foot with B forefoot and AA heel. The shop I originally did my order through rarely does custom Bauers. When I called to inquire about some custom APX skates, they said most people have been complaining they are too stiff. They haven't done any custom APX, and they think custom Bauer skates are going to start being made in Asia?. I really want to deal with a shop/person who knows what they are doing with custom Bauer orders especially since the new APX's have the alive material that fits differently. Since my XXXX have double thick felt tongues and extra ankle padding, don't know if I should do that also in the APX's. Any recommendations of someone to go to in So Cal who has experience with the new materials in APX and TO's. Thanks
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