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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Powerfibers

  1. I read today that David Perron is playing so well that Jay Mckee might be coming back here for Max Afinogenov.
  2. Helmet: CCM HT500 (nice but in white it looks huge, like a Q Tip on my head!) Cage: CCM Shoulder pads: old Coopers and new CCM Supra 610 (bulky!) Elbow pads: Jofa Gloves: CCM 492 Pants: NBH Supreme 800 Shin pads: CCM Vector 2s Skates: CCM 692 Super Tacks Stick: CCM Vector 6 shaft and Sherwood woodie blade
  3. I recently found a new LHS to deal with, and I think that the theme of this thread is that if you have a good LHS you see the benefit and if you don't you see no reason to support anyone but yourself and you buy online. Now that I found someone who will handle me the way I want to be treated, I am willing to spend a little more because I see that am getting things that I should be paying for all along.
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