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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. split btw what is the #15 in the package on top of the shell? Wrist guards?
  2. That is so cool looking. Whose stick? I'd probably have to display that one ... so nice looking.
  3. Got a couple new twigs. Semin TotalOne. I love the curve but the flex is a bit too much at 112. When I do get the time to flex load, it was a heck of a shot. Brouwer TotalOne.
  4. the XXXX are my favorite glove. Very nice. Are they -1 on the cuff?
  5. Can anyone come up with a reasonable explanation for why that goal was washed out?
  6. The thing is Brads is a honest fighter. He would've squared up and gone. I think that's what irritates me more.
  7. What did you feel about Malkin's two majors last year during the playoffs then? Should he have been suspended?
  8. I plan to go after practice and get him to sign it. I might have my girlfriend snap some pictures just to see the reaction. I have been very close to getting one several times now (caps gear sales etc.) found it on ebay and basically said I have to have it ......
  9. haha I'd trade it in a heartbeat for a game used jersey, gloves and a ride in that Lambo ... that's not asking too much is it :)
  10. My new baby. Don't know whether to play with it yet or just get it signed ..... hoping to get a few more because I love the curve, flex and feel of the CNT. Sorry cell phone camera was all I had near me at the time.
  11. 18 year old and M3 besides insurance being ridiculous its overkill and not needed. I'd pass.
  12. College or HS? I agree HS one is not really necessary. If they are insistent though ask for a nice watch or piece of jewelry (ring, chain whatever you wear) that you can have engraved with from mom and dad or whatever. My mother got me a very nice watch and had it engraved and it will be something I hold on to forever and let you reminisce about them if needed.
  13. Sold my 01 Grand Cherokee and now have a 99' VW GTI VR6. Love having 2 doors again.
  14. Saw a Nissan GT-R wiz by me today in my Jeep Grand Cherokee. I need to rethink my cars and go more sporty. That car was hot!
  15. Really nice gloves. I swear after I bought my eagles I said I'm done buying gloves for a couple years. But after seeing those and some of the other nice gear in this thread the itch is coming up. Are those r/w/b eastons cap pro-returns?
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