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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Clark12

  • Birthday 12/12/1986


  • Skates
    Bauer XXX
  • Hockey Bag
    CCM Vector 8.0
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 6K
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 5K
  • Shoulder Pads
    Cooper Flexform
  • Pants
    RBK 6K
  • Helmet
    RBK 8K with Itech Straight Cut Visor
  • Gloves
    Easton Synergy Pro Stock
  • Stick
    Warrior MacDaddy Grip, 100 Flex, Federov

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Gender

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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  1. Thanks bud - I designed them. Didn't plan for the team names pattern to be so prominent but I've grown to like it now.
  2. Some photographs of me representing Northern Ireland at Superleague (British Regionals) last weekend
  3. Just added some new shoes to my skates. Not the most expensive wheels in the world, but they are old and reliable (basically the only wheels that I don't chunk)...
  4. Doubt you'll get a closer look at Doug Weights gloves than this without stalking him...
  5. Nice pick up. Seen those on eBay a few days ago and was actually going to bid on them until I realised they were the Winter Classic gloves (I'm looking for the exact same spec Franchises only in Black).
  6. Here's a few photos of me from a charity tournament I played in last weekend...
  7. Been a while since I done this and I've had a lot of changes since: For Ice Only Skates: Pro Stock One95's in C width with Graf tongues and LS2 Tuuks (belonged to Matt Pettinger but fit me like a glove) Shoulder pads: Cooper Flexform SP600 Pants: Bauer One75 with +1 in the leg For Roller Only Skates: Bauer X:60 with Mission Vanguard Chassis and Bauer Supreme white felt tongues For both Helmet: Reebok 8k with Itech HS22 straight cut visor Elbow pads: RBK 5k Gloves: Easton Pro Stock 4-Rolls. 14"-1. Nylon Shin pads: Rbk 6k Sticks 2 x Warrior Dolomite HD - 87 Flex - Federov Lie 4 1 x Warrior Dolomite - 100 Flex - Federov Lie 6 1 x Warrior Mac Daddy - 100 Flex - Draper Lie 5 1 x Easton Synergy SiCore - 100 Flex - Sakic I also have a set of Farrell shoulders that I wore for 1 game, the protection around the shoulders was awesome however after a hit in the centre of my chest ended up damaging my sternum I decided to go back to the trusty Coopers!
  8. Hey don't get my wrong, I'm not complaining at all. At least if I play crap I still look like a good player haha Yeah, thats a pretty freaky resemblance in those photos!
  9. Woaw, I'm going up in the world. Last time I posted photos on here I was told I look like Chris Higgins, now its Jagr! Flop wasn't bad but its been replaced by white felt since these were taken
  10. Thanks, it's actually alot cheaper for me to play than ice hockey so I can afford to splash out a bit more on gear. That said, I got the boot for free for doing some work for my LHS, I bought the chassis and wheels for about £80 and I picked up the tongues from the for sale section on here pretty cheap. A friend paid for the tongues to be installed on the condition that he could have my X:60 tongues for free. Thanks, cant wait to rock the flop on them. The stock tongues were ok, but they weren't beefy enough for my liking! No they are the Bauer Supreme tongues that EWH sell
  11. Posted this in the inline forum but thought I would stick it in here to. Finally got my inline setup finished with some nice felt tongues...
  12. Finally got my X:60 conversion completed. Got the finishing touches added today, white felt tongues.... Sorry for the crappy phone pic
  13. A few more photos of me playing roller:
  14. Here's my new wheels, just off the rink with them... feet are sore but they are a dream to skate in! Will be leaving them in next week to get some White Felt Tongues added to them!
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