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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Clark12

  1. dam those are sexy!
  2. Do you have any pictures of you cross checking Synott head first into the boards or checking Simy from behind?
  3. Me lunging in for a poke a few weeks ago at a 3on3 tournament...
  4. They are 6ks Dupes. First impressions are actually quite good, they feel light and comfortable and I'm really digging the adjustable legs.
  5. Picked these up on ebay for the whooping total of $3.70, no that's not a typo, I do mean 3 dollars 70 cents.
  6. Really? I know its personal opinion but I have all 3 curves in the V-Hex and the Rafalski is my favourite. I find the the Hossa is too short and the Boyes is too straight. Each to their own, but I wouldn't call the Rafalski brutal.
  7. No way. I have a black lace phobia, its gotta be waxed white laces. Got yellow laces in them at the moment because my LHS didn't have white in stock and I also fancied a bit of a change. I actually haven't skated in them since I put the Lightspeeds on. Was planning on wearing them tonight but wasn't able to make training.
  8. Had a bit of fun with a Sharpie tonight...
  9. Are you sure you are in the right place?
  10. Posted these in the inline forum but I thought I'd stick them up here too...
  11. The support on my old inline skates had gone completely so I decided to rip the chassis off and stick it on my ice skates until I can afford my XXXX conversion. Sorry for the poor quality, the pic was taken on my phone.
  12. I do some work for the Belfast Giants of the British Elite League. They were sponsored by Mission this season and these were some of the sticks they had lying around (alot of the guys didn't like them). They are retail sticks, got another one on its way too. The only problem is that they are all different curves and flexes. They are: Rafalski - 100 Flex Boyes - 100 Flex Hossa - 85 Flex Still, beggers can't be choosers and from what I've seen so far they seem like decent twigs!
  13. I got these today... To replace these... Used them tonight for about 30 minutes and they are the best stick I have ever used... not because they are that great, but because I didn't pay a penny for them!
  14. Whoops, just had a closer look and it says Magnesium on it lol. Tbh I thought the magnesium was black like it was on the Wicked 1's... nevermind!
  15. Is that the aluminium Vanguard? I was thinking of doing something similar myself!
  16. I play for the Edinburgh Beagles and that was Ice Sheffield. Makes me annoyed that England has better ice rinks than Scotland! Too right - is there even a rink in Glasgow any more? When I was there, the closest I found was Paisely... And even Paisley is closed now. Its being used as an inline rink these days.
  17. Yeah, they are CCM nylon pro tacks gloves in Ottawa Senators colours.
  18. No new gear here but I thought I would show off my latest invention. I've just turned my old bed into a kit drying rack complete with a section at the back to hang up shirts!
  19. Actually having looked into it more I found the name of the guy that contacted me. He was called Joe Trotter and he was actually playing for the u18 team, rather than the senior squad. Still funny though... never let the facts get in the way of a good story
  20. 44wannabe: Pant covers are looking good. One of your team mates actually contacted me last year about coming to Belfast and playing roller with us. I can't remember his name but he described himself as a 5ft 10, 150lbs enforcer. I couldn't help but laugh.
  21. There are 9 teams at senior, 5 at Under 16, 3 at Under 14 and 4 at Under 12. To be honest, although it is a small rink, the video makes it look much smaller than it actually is.
  22. Where is that located? tiny rink. The other team only had 3 players? way to run up the score on 'em. We always went with 3 if the other team only had 3. The rink is located in Bangor, Northern Ireland and yes it is tiny. The game itself was an NIIHA league game and the Badgers had arrived late. As per league rules if a team arrives late they must serve a 5 minute bench penalty to begin the game, hence why they only had 3 players at one stage. If it was a friendly game then by all means we would have played 3on3 but when the league title is up for grabs its no more Mr Nice Guy.
  23. Well this isn't a picture but I thought Id post it anyway. Its highlights from an inline game I played a few weeks ago. Im #12 in the teal (dark) shirts...
  24. Found some photos of some my old gear... Bauer 6000s with t'blades CCM Vector 2.0s with a Koho chassis Nike HH4500 with Oakley Straight Small visor Nike HH4500 with tinted Itech aviator visor My first skates, CCM 306 Mustangs
  25. Im guessing these are the ones... link Whats up with the cuff on the right glove :o
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