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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Archangel#16

  • Birthday 08/16/1991


  • Skates
    Eason s11 / Nike-Bauer One90
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 6k
  • Elbow Pads
    Nike Bauer One 90
  • Shoulder Pads
    Nike Bauer Supreme 70
  • Pants
    Nike Bauer Supreme 70
  • Helmet
    Nike Bauer 5000 with CCM 480 chrome cage
  • Gloves
    Nike Bauer 4-Rolls
  • Stick
    Mission Titaniums and Easton SE

Profile Information

  • Location
    San Diego
  • Gender

Contact Methods

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  1. Is there any news as to if or when the A6X arms are going to be available again? I am looking to do an APX2 conversion on sprungs or mission magnesium. Last time I owned sprungs, replacement parts were difficult to come by which deters me from buying them again.
  2. Froze up during a speech that is worth a little less than a third of my grade. Thank you crippling fear of failing.
  3. Doctor just cleared me to play hockey again and got all my gear back plus some extras to make a new skate combo. Cant wait to get to a game or stick time
  4. Damn EBondo that sucks. Sorry for your loss. Well I just spent my entire winter break on bed rest since I had mono and the flu at the same time. Now I get to go back to school this weekend with tonsils the size of large grapes. And to top it all off no hockey for a month or two since my spleen is enlarged and is in danger of bursting if hit.
  5. Took that test on monday. I failed big time. And to top it all off I lost the money I was gonna use to pay for disneyland tickets for me and my girlfriend at the casino the other night. I guess thats what I get for trying to make enough to pay for the tickets themselves. <_<
  6. I see stars is a good band. Check out the rest of their music if you like that song, I think youll like it. And they are pretty good live from what I remember
  7. Getting back on the ice after 2 months and playing relatively good. I havent been able to make it to the rink due to my schools roller team and no time for pick up. Needless to say, Im pretty happy haha
  8. I recommend the sprung chassis with rink rat hot shots or hornet wheels. Had that set up with S11s and really wish I still had them. Just dont wanna fork over the money for the skates now haha
  9. Yes, Yes it was back in the day haha...i Loved that thing His first name was Taylor, all ima put out here FYI...they ruled that a goal and i stopped that right on the line. Alright thanks. Not the person I was thinking of anyways. haha
  10. Hey myk13, do you happen to remember the name of that goalie? He looks a lot like my friend who used to play for the gulls when they had those jerseys
  11. Just finished my last final for high school and now I get to enjoy my last days with some friends. And I'm leaving for Texas with my best friend for 2 weeks of fishing and wakeboarding the day after graduation.
  12. When I tried them on, I felt the main thing that drew me away from them was the liner. It kind of felt like sandpaper to my feet, and this is coming from someone who skates in first gen stealth skates.
  13. I know that in my area (San Diego), refs are told to wear visors, but it is not required unless you are under the age of 18.
  14. I'm sure this isn't you but, the thing that gets me these days is the kids that get shoved aside in the snr divisions here because of lack lustre conditioning, low development or just inexperience. Then get pee'd off because they claim the adults are throwing the kids around. If you step up to a competitive snr division, you are playing with men and you need to adjust to a higher level of physicallity. I had one kid's mum label me a "dirty bastard" for roughing her hack of a son up. All I did was play the body clean and tough. It's not my fault he's a rake with poor skating. Once, again I'm just venting not saying you are the same Angel. Its all good. I get what you're saying (I'm not that type of player btw :) ). I also get what Larry was saying too about the whole "no age limit" thing. It was just the person's post before my post that reminded me of something that just happened that day, so I thought I would chime in.
  15. I hate these people. There's this one guy at my morning pick up that has some problem with me when I get past him. Just yesterday he threw a check on me about 3 or 4 feet from the boards and I didn't even have the puck. I wasn't exactly happy about it, but didn't do anything stupid like a two hand to the face (hope your friend is ok by the way). I usually just come back with some remark like "I'm 17 and your like 58, and look at who's the being the bigger man at the moment"
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