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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. There is a 79 year old in local 50+ league wearing a pair of Bauer Supreme skates from 1962. The guy holds his own out there, I spoke with him and he no longer drives...finds lifts to rink to play shinny. I'll get a pic and post it, amazing those skates have lasted about 55 years of 1-2 times a week hockey!
  2. Had 952's baked and used the fit machine about 5 years back. Worked great, wondering why we don't see those machines in newer stores? Seems like not much pressure needed on skate eyelets after baking, the machine does the molding. $200, lol-I couldn't resist a FIT machine at that price for my home, seems like a great addition to a shop. Does CCM advise new skates like the U+ not go into the FIT machine for some reason?
  3. I believe this sentence the key one because given the way that paragraph reads it seems as if it applies to both options A and B. My guess is the patent was applied for long before anything about FBV specifics was said/posted/printed. Even if someone had loose lips, they still had a year after that to apply for the patent. Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer but have had some significant experience with contract law and understanding the legal importance of how sentences are written. You may be right, we'll see how it plays out. My guess is still the bold print will be the argument-is this a new 'invention'.
  4. Patent Pending does not mean a patent has been granted, 'Pending' means that a patent has been applied for. There are lawyers who specialize in Patent law, engineers who work mainly as 'experts' justifying either sides position when infringement arguments go to court-its an industry onto itself. From an ousiders perspective this will come into play: Novelty And Non-Obviousness, Conditions For Obtaining A Patent In order for an invention to be patentable it must be new as defined in the patent law, which provides that an invention cannot be patented if: “(a) the invention was known or used by others in this country, or patented or described in a printed publication in this or a foreign country, before the invention thereof by the applicant for patent,” or “(B) the invention was patented or described in a printed publication in this or a foreign country or in public use or on sale in this country more than one year prior to the application for patent in the United States . . .”
  5. I dont agree.....I would love to charge a ton of money but with times as they are.......I think offering a customer something better for the same or a light bit more is a better idea!~ I mean there is a difference between charging more and double your normal price....I mean some guys are charging $10. Not in the business but it would seem a place relying on sharpening as its main income source; a smaller dedicated sharpening place would need to charge more. Larger sporting good stores don't need to generate profit off FBV....can use it to draw people into the store? Works on me anyway, always shop while the skates are being sharpened.
  6. Great set-up, just a little warning-make sure your extension cord is sufficient gauge or you will burn the electric motor. It will overheat if trying to draw power through a long, undersized cord. Read that shortens the life on a lot of portable power tools, a neighbour almost cooked my $500 Bosch mitre saw building a deck. Complained to me his circuit breaker kept popping. I found his crappy extension cord was hot.....my saw had that electric burning smell.
  7. When will your (National) Whitby location be set up OTG?
  8. No way will a sharpener temper the steel enough to cause it to break. First of all, poor sharpening might overheat a very small portion of the blade localized to the hollow. This might reduce the amount of time the blade will stay sharp, but not the overall strength of the blade. Think about it, if a "small portion" of the blade is overheated that can cause a fracture to develop from the embrittlement....that fracture can allow a crack to develop which would run into the main body of the blade. I'm reading Fracture & Fatigue Control In Structures for a course right now and its amazing how a small damaged area can lead to catastrophic failure. Ships have broken in two and sunk from the fracture that began from a weld arc strike on a steel plate.....a crack on the edge of a blade could easily extend out from the hollow and nor remain localized.
  9. We could do a team meeting and evaluate the teams skating and try a couple kids at random and see what they say! As I have my portable. That's a generous offer OTG, my son is not playing out here now-he's in the G so its not his team practice. The Friday ice is private power skating/hockey skills, kids from numerous Durham teams. That may work better for you as the kids would all be going back to their assorted Whitby & Oshawa teams talking about the FBV grind. I'll see if we have a few volunteers and then check your fri schedules.....Legends arena has a Pro Shop/sharpener I will have to clear this with.
  10. When are you setting up the Whitby store OTG?....we'll be first ones in-getting to Vaughan while working is tricky ;) I'm running classes at Legends on Fridays, we'll send the kids down and get the word out when your ready.
  11. Must have been your guys first visit to N54 if he thought it a good place to start a discussion thread on this sharpening method OTG. You got off easy, try switching teams as a 10 year old and having adults rip the kid annonomously. My son still comes home from school and asks if anyone wrote anything about him-truly sad. Classmates misguided parents allow their kids to read that site. Parents have challenged each other to fight on that site without the thread being locked. Best to let the thread on N54 die off, nothing positive ever comes from threads there. The OMHA forum requires a registered nick, far more civil and informative. Some very good sharpeners frequent the Pro Shop forum there-may be a better site to reach hockey parents in Ontario. The guy who did our skates at National Sports Hwy7-Keele (Concord?)store was knowledgable-followed our blades profile carefully if any Toronto west members are looking to try this cut. I ran powerskating class last night so had a chance to really experiment. Anyone doubting the effect on 'glide' try this; Backwards, seated glide. I thought I noticed the skate glide in my normal stride, definetly feel it one 1 leg elevated glides btw B-lines....but the seated glide frontwards and backwards really shows this cuts impact on drag/resistance.
  12. My son liked the sharpening, he's going to keep it on the skates for Thursday's game and Friday practice. He found the hardest adjustment was moving laterally while skating backwards and then planting his rear foot to 'stand' the puck carrier when he had position. Hard to describe but he's digging in(planting) quicker, sort of miss stepping a bit. Didn't cost him but I'd recomend a practise before game use especially for D, he does think his quickness, stops starts are same with increased top end speed.
  13. I was driving across TO today on 401 so went to OTG's Concord location and had my kids and my skates done. He's in Peewee, big game tonight......and can't believe his dad is messing with his equipment before a game :o Guess its same as MSH'ers not wanting to try it in a game, hope he adjusts quick.
  14. So what I am hearing from you guys is....I should have more of my stores with the FBV sharpening?? Who is on the GTA or Ontario??? I can do London Barrie Brampton Markham (has it already) Concord (has it already) Oakville (has it already) Mississauga (Dundas Location) Cambridge (coming in Feb) Whitby (coming in Feb) And possibly more next year.... Hands up if you want it?? Living in Whitby OTB, looking forward to trying this FBV. My son won't let anyone but Dave at Pro Cut touch his skates-is I convince him to try it we'll take a drive to Markham. The Shwa store isn't listed/....I run ice there weekly.
  15. REALLLLLLY? Hehe...better to be innovative than inno design-getting off track tho.
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