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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor 10
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    old Easton
  • Elbow Pads
    old Jofa
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Bauer vapor 8 girdle
  • Helmet
    NBH 4500
  • Gloves
    Pro stock SyNergy 800
  • Stick
    Pro Stock Warrior Dolomite

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  1. Got back on the ice for the first time in almost 4 years today. However, the way I played should probably be posted in the venting thread.
  2. Damn do I miss the original Response
  3. Broke the last of my 300 flex polar fibre dolomites last night
  4. I wish... at least a few of those might make the news a little easier to take
  5. One of the questions was "which of the following is a screwdriver?" and then it gave you 4 different pictures to chose from.
  6. I'm one of these 300... 3rd time in 2 years this has happened http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/08/04/2010-08-04_fdny_plan_to_hire_300_firefighters_blocked_by_judge_who_claims_exam_discriminate.html
  7. if you dont like the croc ill take it off your hands :D
  8. its a tps response shaft... i was playing on a team and everyone on the team used rbk sticks so instead of buying one i painted the response black and put rbk stickers on it To conform, or due to a sponsorship issue? the athletic director from my high school wanted all of the guys on the hockey team to use rbk sticks cuz the basketball team had a sponsorship from them but they didnt want to supply us with any of the sticks, we had to buy them ourselves... i painted my tps sticks instead of buying rbk sticks That makes no sense. If you were getting nothing from them why would you advertise like that? exactly the reason i didnt buy the sticks
  9. its a tps response shaft... i was playing on a team and everyone on the team used rbk sticks so instead of buying one i painted the response black and put rbk stickers on it To conform, or due to a sponsorship issue? the athletic director from my high school wanted all of the guys on the hockey team to use rbk sticks cuz the basketball team had a sponsorship from them but they didnt want to supply us with any of the sticks, we had to buy them ourselves... i painted my tps sticks instead of buying rbk sticks
  10. its a tps response shaft... i was playing on a team and everyone on the team used rbk sticks so instead of buying one i painted the response black and put rbk stickers on it
  11. New Gloves- Rangers pro stock syNergy 800 http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d185/mat...0712081811a.jpg Skates- Vapor 10 http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d185/mat...=0712081813.jpg Sticks- 2 polar fibre warrior dolomites, 1 warrior royale, 1 tps response with rbk logos, NBH one70 http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d185/mat...=0712081816.jpg Curves- Pro Stock Frolov, Pro Stock Hull, Pro stock Carter, Pro Stock Roberts http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d185/mat...=0712081818.jpg http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d185/mat...=0712081819.jpg http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d185/mat...0712081819a.jpg http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d185/mat...=0712081820.jpg
  12. helmet: nbh 4500 with itech hs22 straight visor shoulders: nbh supreme classic shoulders elbows: jofa 9960 pants: bauer supreme girdle shins: old eastons skates: bauer vapor 10
  13. where'd you get those gloves?
  14. skates: ccm 852 tacks and ccm vector zg 130 helmet: NBH 4500 w/ itech hs22 visor shoulder: NBH classic with ccm 652 bicep protectors elbow:old jofa's pants: bauer vapor 8 girdle and jofa 7500 shins: old eastons i dont even kno the model of gloves: ccm 852's and tps pro stock tps hgt sticks: easton synergy II w/ frolov pro stock tps blade, warrior royale shaft w/ same blade, tps response shaft painted to look like an rbk shaft w/ same blade, old vapor 8 concave shaft with easton drury hybrid, response shaft with synthesis sakic blade
  15. they have the really thin pro palm. theyre not very durable but the feel more than makes up for the lack of durability
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