Hasn't David been playing with Weight? Let's not forget to see the forrest for the trees people... Don't complaign about David's coach (and team) keeping him out of a situation that could, potentially turn disasterous and make him (David) look like a ass. Remember, Weight is gone. Why is it that David is more patient with HIS CAREER then we seem to be? Let him get used to his teammates for craps-sake so he can play to HIS potential. He's a future, first string winger.... unless he's put in a position where HE doesn't know his teammates habits and he makes a mistake based on his comfort and ability with his former line. We're here to support David, not act like overzealous parents with insane expectations! Can we please sit back and watch him turn into Hall of Famer without all the scrutiny? Did we all seem to forget that David's TOO IMPORTANT to the Blues to sacrifice to another competition? That's what his coach said. Let's just be happy, for David, that he's in the show and be patient.