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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Hazard14

  • Birthday 02/14/1993

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  • Interests
    Hockey, fishing, other things.
  • Location
    Brooklyn, NY
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    Fookmei Nao
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  1. That's the only thing I don't like about the pant too...
  2. Most recent pickups... Eagle PPF 14" Black Tufftek (I am lovin these gloves :lol: ) CCM Regular Flex Vector U+ Ovechkin curve (Great stick)
  3. Helmet:Nike Bauer 5500 w/truevision cage (replacing with 480) Shoulder:Bauer 4000 Elbow: Nike V-7 Gloves: Eagle PPF Tufftek, Nike Bauer Supreme70 (roller) Pants: Bauer 8000 Shin: Nike Bauer Supreme50 Skates:Graf 703 Sticks:CCM U+ Ovechkin, Nike Bauer Vapor XXX-lite Prostock P89, converted Bauer Vapor XX with Nike Bauer One90 wood blade (roller)
  4. Any idea on what model those blackout eagles are? Very nice gloves by the way, JR.
  5. Picked up a CCM Vector U+ (85 flex, Ovechkin pattern) for the birthday this morning. Wow, its some stick. Played a game with it tonight and it performed well, shots felt like they rocketed off, feel was amazing, took a bit of getting used to though because of how light it feels. Looks very promising. Also went to west side skate and stick in NYC and tried on some Eagle PPF's and X72's, looks like I know what my next hockey related purchase is going to be :P
  6. Sorry for the bad quality, but heres a pic from my game yesterday.
  7. I've seen worse here... a lot worse.
  8. Game used, prostock NYR Dan Girardi Easton SyNergy Elite grip. It was a gift from a friend and I really appreciated it. Anybody know what LH retail pattern this would be in Easton?
  9. fixitbymail.com does it
  10. got new roller hockey skates on saturday, Mission HE7500.
  11. I honestly didn't know that eagle made custom gloves.
  12. were those custom eagles?
  13. damn, that visor is huge.
  14. After talking with a teammate, he says that this really is an XXXX repainted as a XXX-lite. Something about endorsment contracts. The stick feels different from an XXX-lite and has no grip too, plus the blue XXX decals actually stay on for some reason unlike many i have seen.
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