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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I'm also a fan of the HDI. It's great to be able to check hollow depths to match someone's old hollow (if they don't know what it was). The only negatives are the price (if you are a home sharpener) and it's a bit cumbersome to check a blade while still on the clamp/holder. The blademaster quick square is also a great tool and will give you the same result. As a side note, I checked a skate that was FBV sharpened with the HDI and I got a depth of almost 0.002". I was under the impression that the depths were all under 0.001". It was on a Tuuk LS2, maybe they tested it with a narrower blade.
  2. That almost looks like an old 652 tacks toungue on those Missions.
  3. Well this is pretty kick ass, Bauer just called informing me that I won a pair of x60 skates in a drawing at the Minnesota Expo. They asked my size and shipping address and said they would be here in about 4 days. I've never won anything like this before, in fact I didn't even know they had a drawing. My wife said she signed me up at every booth at the Expo. No clue if they'll fit as I haven't worn Vapors since the Vapor 10s in 2002.
  4. It's not the first time I've seen that on new skates although it's not too common.
  5. Do these machines accept their contouring system?
  6. langenbrunner had a different model bauers (5000) when he was with the Stars. He also wore ccm in high school
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