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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Vapor XXXX
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Vapor XXXX
  • Elbow Pads
    15 year old Jofa Jr's
  • Pants
    RBK 11k
  • Helmet
    RBK 6k w/ Oakley straight pro tinted visor
  • Gloves
    Warrior Hossa Pro Stocks
  • Stick
    Warrior Widow: Gionta

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    Plymouth, MN
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  1. I was going to say "I'll hold judgement until I get my dirty toe lovin' hands on a few but was too lazy at the time ;)
  2. Looks like the Gionta is just the Smyth pattern renamed to me from that pic. Kinda dissapointing when we were hearing "Warrior Insiders" had this awesome new toe curve coming out. Boo
  3. yup, like I mentioned abouve, I've noticed him going to that tape job at the latter part of this season for some reason or another.
  4. I'm a toe curve guy through and through (also have a Kovalchuk, Samsonov [prostocks] and a ton of "toed" out sakic's) so the curve shouldn't take too long to get used to, but Ovie's is most def. the most open of the bunch.
  5. Yeah, it's the angle, here is a better pic of the curve Looks/feels like 1.5 ren hockey tape, def not an athletic tape.
  6. Shaft info Rocker Compared to a retail Sakic Haven't measured it yet, but it is just about an inch longer than a retail int. Warrior. I also noticed that he switched to a Kovalchuk style full tape job twords the end of this season compared to his 3/4 job he's used most of his career, kinda weird.
  7. Ah, well you did a good job on both then :lol:
  8. Pretty much this. I like a loose glove, both were pretty loose fitting. The Hossa's def have slightly longer fingers, and are overall an inch bigger than my 13" R8's. I love them.
  9. Hossa prostocks came in today. Was worried that the palms would be stiff, but they are the softest nicest palms on gloves I've ever felt. Can't wait to try them out tomorrow night at hockey Old TPS R8's with almost no palms left for reference.
  10. Or the other way around?
  11. They don't make a ak27 one piece. I believe, although am not positive, that they are just dolomites with the ak graphics package on them. Pros only. The shop at the Kings' practice facility has a couple of Johnson and Modry AK27's from last year. Both of theirs are setup the same way - it looks like a standard shaft with a short extension piece at the bottom, with a tapered blade. If I remember correctly, the connections aren't even painted over or anything, it's pretty easy to see the extra piece between the shaft and blade. I guess these guys really did want the non-tapered shaft setup, they don't look like Dolos with a paintjob. I know this is somewhat off topic, but my Tom Gilbert PS One95 is like this too. Standard shaft, with a coupler thing at the bottom, and then a tapered blade.
  12. Stern. Stern, but understanding :lol:
  13. Thanks man. I wasn't a big fan of the Vapor looks either, especially the red, so I went to work with the Sharpie, haha.
  14. Went upstairs on this one, too bad the photographer was zoomed in so much, but it is a cool shot. Taken from my game tonight.
  15. It's a prostock. It could be ANYTHING True, but every single 10k I've seen looks like mine, none like the retail. Wonder if its just a fancy wrap like the 12k on TPS sticks.
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