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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1 Neutral
  1. Eric Desjardins used to rep that aswell.
  2. Too Old, that jersey is a Beaut!
  3. Does anyone know what Maxim Lapierre did last night against the Bruins that is causing so much commotion from everyone? Something involving him not wanting to fight..?
  4. His insights into the game tend to be pretty interesting and generally correct.
  5. C'mon PJ Stock isn't that bad...rather have him speaking than Glen Healy, or Pierre Mcguire, or Mike Milbury.
  6. Did anyone catch David on RDS Sunday? He was on the panel during intermission for the Wings/Predators game. I think it was him, Bob Hartley, and some host. He's doing what Marc Recchi is doing for TSN, but in french. That's pretty wild, good for him.
  7. Andy Murray is seriously a fag. He gives David 5:55 minutes of ice time in a game he was probably looking forward to more than any this year. He's in front of his favorite team, family, friends, Kovalev etc., at least give him a chance to do something.
  8. If Andy Murray sits him for his first game in Montreal with family and friends watching and against his idol Alex Kovalev, then he is an absolute douche bag.
  9. the description of the johnson shaft just went a bit too far there...
  10. What's the lie on that, like a 7?
  11. why do you need so many sticks?
  12. Actually the guy is just immensely curious as to what the Kovalev curve really looks like.
  13. That True One is sweet, I like how the checkered pattern goes all the way up the stick.
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