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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About NJDfan

  • Birthday 12/03/1986


  • Skates
    XXXX Custom 8.5D
  • Hockey Bag
    Nessi Custom
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer 300's
  • Shoulder Pads
    Itech 300's?
  • Pants
    One90 Girdle
  • Helmet
    NBH 4500 / Easton Pro S9 A/M BLACK
  • Gloves
    Easton Pro Gloves/NBH 4-Roll
  • Stick
    NBH One95 or Easton SE Grip / SE16 Grip Zetterberg

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  1. Skates: Vapor X:60 Customs, One95's Helmet(s): Bauer 4500 w/ HS22S Straight Clear, Easton Pro Stock S9 w/ HS22S Straight Clear Pants: One90 Girdle, Graf Shell Shoulder Pads: Itechs Elbows: Pro Jofas Gloves: NBH 4 Rolls, Pro XXXX Savards, Vapor XXX Pro Chicago Stick(s): One95 Malkin 102 RH x 2, X:60 102 Malkin RH, Pro Stealth CNT Grip Gervais 100 x 2, Synergy SL GIONTA 100 x 3
  2. Talk to your LHS they will send a rep down trace your foot, and take measurements. Fill out a form etc and your good to go! - Mike
  3. Wow pretty impressive Chris, I didn't think you knew that! :lol:
  4. what!?!?!?!?!?!?! i emailed them and they told me no, they didnt do that....wow...im pissedd They did have one this year on June 20th at the arena. I got there around 4 and they let ppl in at 6, but when I got there there were at least 100 ppl already waiting. So if you don't get there early you get shitty stuff.
  5. I vote white, it complements the skates colors well. - Mike
  6. I don' know if they offer it seperatly, or just on their gloves, but Cutters have the best "Grippyness" in terms of Reciever Gloves, that you might be able to try. - Mike
  7. TJ your feet are messed up to begin with brotha! :)
  8. The new gloves are very nice, and the fuel Ti is very nice, one of the best sticks I have used to date, comming from synergy st, vapor xxx lite, and synergy se!
  9. Helmet: NBH 4500 Skates: Vapor XXX Elbows: Crappy Bauer 300's Shins: Bauer 2000's Gloves: Easton Pro Glove, MIA MB22 Black Tufftek Stick(s): Gionta SL Pro, SE, Stealth CNT Grip (Gervais), Prucha Pro Stock ST Grip (Copper)...and the list goes on.... :)
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