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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by strosedefence34

  1. they didn't have that V panel, I've never seen that. the old ones had a white panel on the bottom, rear of the sock.


    *Not my pic

    is there a market for fake pro stock edge socks? Not that I care I paid the average price for them. They where still cheaper then retail edge socks too.

  2. Those are really strange. Never seen that shape before, as far as seam placement.

    yeah not really sure my first pair of pro stock socks or anything for that matter. I remember when the edge stuff first came out the practice socks all had white going down the back of them in that V shape and maybe even a little lower.

  3. Had to rush my dog to emergency animal hospital after my game on friday night. I was pretty sure she had kennel cough but my fiancé said she threw up 10 times while I was gone. She is doing fine now though with the antibiotics and seems better. She did cost me my MX3 stick though. I also sliced open my thumb sharpening skates yesterday. All in all a pretty great weekend.

  4. A is standard

    AA is narrower

    B is wide

    Vapor skates are a true last, so a retail D is a true D.

    Retail Vapor is DA and EEB

    Retail Supreme D is E/A and EE is EEE/B

    Retail Nexus D is EE/A and EE is EEEE/B

    Supreme stock heel is B.

    stock at EE right?

    I'm trying to figure out what to do with my next skate purchase. Right now I am in a 8.5D Supreme and I feel like I can drop down a half size, but I think if I did I would have to get a EE. When I was trying on skates the last time the 8D my toes where scrunched but when I was in a LHS recently I put on a supreme 8EE and it felt good in terms of length. Is this recommended?

  5. Nexus to one80, I am thinking about doing the samething myself. Plus they are lighter too.
    how are the pads treating you? i have the supreme one60s.

    So I tried them out last night. They fit 100% better then my nexus did. They did not move out of place once. The padding in them was great. I blocked a few shots from the point and didn't feel it. The knee has a nice cushion to them. The only issue I had thigh guard kept getting caught on my pants, but I'm sure that will go away once they break in a little more. The same thing happened with the nexus shins till they where broken in.

  6. I will put this in hear since I don't think I have seen "things your LHS does" thread.

    If you saw the show it off thread I purchased new shin pads this morning. I found that my nexus 1000s where just too deep and when to my small LHS. There where two guys there the one who is always there who usually just lets me do my thing because he knows I know what I want/ need and someone who works there once a week for a little extra cash. So I was explaining to the one who isn't usually there how I loved the padding on the nexus pads and i thought they where great and they just weren't for me. I picked up the supreme one 80s and was about to try them on and he said to me "oh your a forward you don't want those they are made for people who play defense" I said "ok i still want to try them on". He obviously let me do that and then continued to provided great service bringing me a pair of vapor 7.0s and some easton stealths and said I should try them all on see which ones I liked the best. He also thought they looked a little short and he made me try on a size 15 which was also really cool of him. You could tell he really wanted me to be happy with what I purchased, which I was thankful for. I just could not get over his supremes where for defense comment. He also said the Vapors would be more form fitting and contour to my legs better. The irony behind his comment though was on Bauers page when you're on the protective page and click on the supreme stuff Steve Stamkos picture pops up. Also according to bauers page the supreme protective is a closer fit and the vapor stuff falls in between close and wide. Like I said he did a great job assisting me in buying my new shin pads and i have no complaints about the service just thought his comment was funny.

    In a very related story I went to Play It Again Sports first to see if they had a selection of shin pads that I could look at figured if I could trade mine in and get a little money towards the new ones I would be ok with that. Well they had nothing and when I went to see how much they where worth the guy said $15 cash because in a few months he will probably be marking down all of the nexus stuff to make room for the new stuff. I took my shin pads and left and wanted to tell him that bauer typically cycles each line every two years and that new nexus stuff probably wouldn't be out for a year and half, but thats what I get for going to PIAS.


  7. Nexus to one80, I am thinking about doing the samething myself. Plus they are lighter too.

    Admittedly I didn't wait for my LHS to get the nexus pads in and I pulled the trigger and ordered them online. No matter how i strapped them or taped them they where too deep. Tried these on this time and really liked them. I just hope the nexus sell.

  8. Over the past year I went head to toe with new equipment

    Helmet Bauer 4500 with CCM FM480

    Shoulders Bauer supreme classic bicep guard removed

    Elbows warrior lacrosse slash guards

    Pants Bauer supreme one 80

    Shins Bauer nexus 1000

    Skates Bauer supreme one 70

    Sticks Bauer one 60 p88, Bauer one 80 p88

    Bag reebok pro 40"

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