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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by strosedefence34

  1. 17 hours ago, hergs said:

    Went to pull the trigger on VH's last night.

    Their pricing is misleading....

    $799 - no holders or steel

    $909 - Tuuk holders plus ls3 steel

    $20 - delivery

    plus tax.

    $1030 or something


    I was in for $799 but it seems like it holders should be built into the price?


    ....back to ebay

    Not trying to gang up on your or beat a dead horse, but if you in the US if you where to buy LS Edge holders at $35 each and a set of LS3 steel at $70 your looking at $140 total.  VH is only charging you $110 if you look at it like that shipping is free and you're saving $10.  

    I do understand where you are coming from though.  You go online and it says $799, because its not until the second page does it charge you for holders and steel.

  2. 1 hour ago, Chip N Chase said:


    New here. Joined for this board. Just got my VH skates only 3 weeks after ordering. First impression of the skate were awesome. Feel very comfortable on the ice. Only one ice time so far and really impressed. No break in time at all. One thing I did notice after the game was my toes were a little numb, I'm guessing I tied them too tight and using wax laces maybe overkill. Also I noticed that the wrap is so pronounced on the last 3 eyelets that it's really difficult to get my laces through the eyelets once the skates are on my feet(standard felt tongue). Any ideas on how to fix that?  Or is that just part of having the proper fit of the skate. Fit like a dream. Really happy I made the switch. No more pain.  



    14 minutes ago, Larry54 said:

    I find it a bit difficult to lace the eyelets with the skate on my foot too but it's only the top 2 eyelets that need to be unlaced to get the skate on or off, so it's not a big deal to me. I've also gone to lacing the top eyelet out-to-in for other reasons and that seems to make it a bit easier to lace.

    My Supremes have really great wrap similar to what I image VH would be, and for the top 3 eyelets I lace out to in, because I have a tough time when the skate is on.

  3. 10 hours ago, GreatestAmericanBeardo said:

    that sucks... Guess you'll have to bring back the River Rats.   (I had a lot of friends, and my now wife went to Albany U) lots of good times up there, and i think we even saw a few of those River Rat games...

    Albany is a great little city.  I hated it when I first came to college, but now after being here for over 10 years its really grown on me.  Although thanks to the Devils now our winter fun is coming to an end.

  4. The Albany Devils (AHL) are most likely packing their bags for Binghamton.  Its a huge bummer for the hockey fans.  I live about 15 minute walk from where they play so my wife and I as well as bunch of people would always go and heckle the other goalie.  It was always something fun to do.  I end up going to around 20 games a season.  There is talk about them bringing in another professional team, but I don't think its going to be hockey.

  5. 46 minutes ago, JimmyTheDriver said:

    Thoughts on replacement steel?  I feel like the pitch is a bit much for my liking, especially since adding superfeet yellows.  Step Steel the only good replacement?  If so, what size is my runner?  Skate size is 8.5D, kind of had trouble following their size chart.

    I know Tuuk 8.5D is 272.  On your holder there should be a size near the rivets usually towards the back of the skates.

  6. Played the dirty team last night in mens league.  I don't know what happen to this team a few years ago they used to be skilled and we would play some good fast games.  Over the years they haven't had many player changes, but they just got so much dirtier to play against.  The constant slashing, hooking and cross checking.  We are talking the puck is no where near you and you catch a slash to the back of the leg.  

    Last night I went into the corner for a puck and I boxed a guy out, and he cross checks me from behind.  I drew the penalty, but he was complaining to the ref asking why I wasn't getting a penalty.  He ended up getting an extra 2 minutes for unsportsmanlike.  Same player in the 3rd period just went at my player for a hit mind you this is a no check league.  Hands up and his hands/ stick made the most contact with my teammates head.

    The whole team was complaining to the refs and telling them to do their job better and the game wouldn't have gotten out of hand. but to tell you the truth if they called the game tighter that team would have had way more penalties than they had.

    For reference in a 24 game season last winter this team had 279 penalty minutes the second dirtiest team in the league had 244 all of the other teams where under 180.  So this team is getting 100+ more penalty minutes than almost every other team in this league.  Its at the point where I don't want to play against them anymore.  I wish the guy who runs the league would kick them out, but that would only leave us with 5 teams which wouldn't be fun.

    Sorry for the long rant enjoy your day!

  7. 2 hours ago, althoma1 said:

    You shouldn't need to dremel the outsole for a HI-LO chassis. It's the Labeda Hummer all 80mm chassis that often requires some dremelling.


    1 hour ago, IW Team - Chase said:

    I had to dremel the outsole bump on my converted CCM Tacks skates and haven't had a single issue yet. I agree with Althoma1 that you probably won't need to but even if you do, you'll be golden. 

    Any tips on mounting the chassis?

  8. I am thinking about converting some Bauer One.8s with the HI-LO Aluminum Chassis (http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/HI-LO_Aluminum_Roller_Hockey_Chassis_2015/descpage-HLALF5.html

    How would the composite outsole hold up if I had to dremel some of it?  I will be doing this myself under the watchful eyes of a friend who has swapped out many ice holders for people he has never put a chassis on a boot though.  Any tips for that?  Is there anything different than an ice holder?

  9. 1 hour ago, Mimizk said:

    I have been thinking the same thing long time. The lacross elbow pads looks so mobile but someone told me as that lacross elbows don't have enough protection for playing hockey safety. How do you feel about this point? I want to hear your opinion.

    I played pretty much my entire life in lacrosse elbow pads.  I used them in college club and never had an issue.  Over the winter I fell just right on my elbow, and I must have bruised it pretty good, because it hurt for two months.  I still continued to wear them.  I just really wanted to try these out after reading up on them.  If these weren't as mobile as they where I would still be using the lacrosse ones.  

    For what its worth I have tried on a bunch of hockey elbow pads through the years most recently APX 2, MX3, Nexus 1000, Nexus 8000, RBZ, T90, and I will say none of them compare.

    • Like 1

  10. i like that CCM cage on the Bauer bucket. it looks a lot more open then the silver cage i have. (same as green laces guy) did you have to do any modifications to get it on there?

    you "lucky bastard"! love the nod to the old Thrush mufflers on the logo


    Thanks. No there was no modifications to the cage. I may have pinched in a little so that it would rest on the J Clips, but nothing crazy. Its just the CCM 580.

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  11. When you're suspended one game because you mouthed off to the ref for calling 3 extremely soft penalties. We are talking lifting the stick is a hooking call. I was told after my first soft tripping call I was on a short leash that night. I'm not sure what I did to the refs, but I'm the one paying for it.

  12. I have nothing too special to show off, but I picked up another 4500, because the one I use had a huge crack in it. I have wanted to get more protective shoulder pads so I picked up these U+12 shoulders from eBay. I also wanted to try out some longer shins I grabbed these U+CS shins also from eBay. Love the longer shins and new shoulder pads, and could not be happier with them.


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