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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by strosedefence34

  1. 7 minutes ago, IPv6Freely said:

    Yeah, we have a Cox account for a bunch of it. The DVR is still in the box. So I guess not technically cord-cutters. However, we're on the lowest plan possible though just for smaller things that don't have their own individual subscriptions, like HGTV (Fixer Upper!), CBS (Star Trek!), and FX (Archer!). 

    So definitely a ways to go, but still a whole hell of a lot easier than torrenting them all (especially on private trackers where you have to worry about your ratio and such). It's just a matter of time.

    I was never a channel surfer so luckily that hasn't been an issue for me. I watch a couple specific shows, and that's it. If I don't feel like using my brain while watching TV, its either HGTV or random YouTube stuff. SlingTV looks like it could be a solution but I'll have to take a look to see if it has what I need.

    Funny that Sling has gone into streaming. I still have the ORIGINAL slingbox that connected to my mom's cable back in Canada so I could watch hockey down here back in 2006 or so. Obviously it's not useful anymore but its interesting to see where Sling has taken things over time. 

    Somebody mentioned that the price of all these streaming services adds up to more than the cost of cable. Maybe true. Depends what you buy. If you buy a cable package and add on HBO, Showtime, Starz and other stuff its expensive. Am I paying more right now for my Cox account + NHL.tv + all the various streaming services than I would have if I just had a full cable subscription? Maybe I am. But I'm also willing to do so in the hopes that these services advance (and the fact that the convenience factor of an AppleTV is huge for me). It's already come a LONG way. 

    I totally agree.  Apple made a huge improvement with the 4th gen apple tv.  Like I stated earlier i use my dads cable login for most of the stuff (HGTV is one of them the wife and I are pretty sad fixer upper is going away).  I also use my brothers netflix account.  It's not that the wife and I can't afford the $10 a month it's more why should we if someone is offering it to us for free.  Realistically the only thing I pay for besides the internet is NHL.  We have prime and our tv supports prime but i'm waiting for the prime app.  We don't have much interest in hulu.  If everything went away I would just subscribe to sling.  Its cheaper than a cable plan anyway.

  2. 1 hour ago, IPv6Freely said:

    You know the AppleTV does this, right? 


    1 hour ago, psulion22 said:

    It does?  I asked the people at the Apple Store and they said not yet.

    As a former Apple employee, I can tell you about 85% of the people on the floor don't know anything.  Yes Apple TV does have the TV app and it will remember shows you watch on primetime and Netflix etc and pull them up.  I was like you where I would pop on the guide check what was on and scroll until I found something.  Once I cut the cord I had to find a different way of doing this.  Now, for the most part, I know when I come home from work what is going to be on each app at that time.  On the weekends is usually when I am searching for something.  As of late though I have been working on my house so no time to watch tv on the weekends.  Its an adjustment for sure, but it's nice not having that $200 a month bill.  I would try looking into SlingTV its almost like baby steps into cutting the cord.  We were going to do that until we realized I could just use my dad's login for everything.  I also like the options of getting the East and West time zones on the different apps.

  3. I think as more and more people are cutting the cord the price of internet services will go up since the cable companies need to get theirs, and people need internet in this day.  One thing I would like to see is something similar to sling tv except I get to choose which channels I want.  I can see it being a flat fee of say $20 a month for 5 networks add an extra few bucks for premium cable.  Realistically people with cable watch the same 5-10 channels and the rest is all just there and unneeded.  Or the other thing that might happen is as internet service prices go up they may include an option for logging into the network streams like they offer now.  

    I cut the cord a few years ago, but I cheated since my Dad can't live without 1,000 channels I have a login to his Verizon FiOS account and still can watch live tv through various Apple TV apps.  With that being said I could use MSG GO to watch the Islanders, Devils and Rangers.  I also log into NBCSN.  I still choose to pay for the NHL package for the sear convenience of having the NHL TV app on my Apple TV.  Maybe if MSG GO comes out with an app for the Apple TV I won't renew my NHL package.  I do like being able to watch random games though.  I also agree blackouts in 2017 are dumb.  I'd gladly pay an extra few dollars for the NHL package if it excluded all blackouts including things on NBCSN and NHL Network.

  4. Just now, psulion22 said:

    I'm similarly confused by this.

    OP- If you've played with this same group of people for 4 years, then why didn't you know that you don't do that in this group?  And if it's never come up, then why did the guy who runs it say WE don't do that?  If everyone is playing the same way as you were, then surely it would have happened before.  It doesn't mesh.  The bottom line is that you know that you're a dick and did something that group doesn't want, and looking on here for us to tell you how wrong they are.  You're continually trying to justify it, but everyone else paying at the same speed an intensity as you seem to avoid it.  Even if they didn't care doesn't mean that they don't know not to do it.  It's their ice, their rules.  If the guy who runs it tells you that you're in the wrong, you're in the wrong.  Period.

    That's a good point.  However, this sort of thing does happen on a lot of plays when the puck is loose.  As I stated earlier Goalie B said he didn't have an issue with the play and no other players saw an issue with the play.  People have done a lot worse than what I tried last night and haven't been scolded.  Perhaps since the guy who runs it is a friend felt like he could make an example out of me and I wouldn't take it personal with him as other players might and may not return.  I have been playing with them for 4 years but admittedly I may miss a skate here or there so maybe the first time something like this happened I missed it and never got the memo.  Again sorry to the goalies I offended I won't let it happen again. 

  5. Funny thing is I was a lacrosse goalie for most of my life never got into hockey goalie and I have sympathy for hockey goalies.  I had a protective circle around me that no one could enter.  Hockey goalies have some blue paint that doesn't mean anything unless you make contact with the goalie.  I still wore less padding though :ph34r:  

  6. Just now, IPv6Freely said:

    If your pickup has a different set of rules from the average pickup, then why ask us if you were in the wrong? We can't answer that ;) 

    That's very true.  I was looking for an outsider perspective I guess.  I swear I'm not a bad guy.  I don't run goalies.  I haven't been in a fight since way back when it "mattered" (high school hockey).  I was trying to make an honest play on a loose puck that if we had refs the play would not have been blown dead... Please don't break my thumbs and leave the horse heads out of my bed thank you.

  7. 7 minutes ago, psulion22 said:

    Let me guess, you always "play to the whistle" too.  

    No, if the goalie has it I see no need to wack at it.  If its loose puck in the crease area sure I will try to poke it free for another shot or poke it in during a game or a pickup where its warranted and other players are making similar plays.  I didn't take a wack at the puck it was a simple poke.


    Like I said earlier I was the dick I will slow it down for my Monday night skate.  Sorry to all the goalies I offended with my post.

  8. 4 minutes ago, chippa13 said:

    There's a reason why in the beer league/pick up hockey circle that names like "Johnny Try Hard" and "Charlie Hustle" aren't compliments.

    I just try to emulate the pace of the pickup.  Like I said this is a private skate with the same people for the last 4 years.  Everyone in this skate is a Johnny Try Hard if I was to slack off it wouldn't be as fun for me or the other players (this goalie excluded).  Now if I go to a public pick up I don't play nearly as hard as I do on Monday nights.  

  9. 12 minutes ago, IPv6Freely said:

    I'm going to sound like a dick when I say this but I can't think of a better way to put it that wouldn't require us going in circles. That move screams "try-hard", and in my experience try-hard moves don't go over well in pickup. 

    Now if that happens to me in our pickups, what generally happens is the guy says "sorry goalie, saw the puck loose" which will almost always get a "no worries, all good" response. 

    You don't sound like a dick.  It was a try-hard move because this is a game paced private pick up.  It is full of 20 or so try-hards.  I can go to a "normal" pick up and I would never rush the net like I did last night.  And to be honest a sorry goalie from this goalie would not get a "no worries response" id get a laundry list of reasons why that was the worst thing I could possibly do to them.  This goalie tends to be a bit of a crier.  Some rushing down the wing and made a move to more of a scoring position beamed them in the head last week with a wrister and apologized and the goalie went off on them as to why they should shoot lower.  

    I should also say there have been similar situations where the puck was loose in the crease and Goalie B has been scrambling trying to cover it and people have taken wacks at it as well with no one saying anything.  I think I was just the one to get caught.  Oh well.

  10. 3 minutes ago, IPv6Freely said:

    Still think you're wrong, sorry. And apparently they do too, which is the only thing that matters. 

    That's fair thanks for the perspective.  Not trying to add fuel to the fire the other goalie thought the play was fine I will give Goalie A benefit of the doubt since it was them and Goalie B was at the other end of the ice.  Other players on the ice didn't see an issue with it except for the guy who runs the pickup.  Just frustrating. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, IPv6Freely said:

    As a goalie who plays both pickup and league every week, yes you were wrong. There's a big difference between going for a rebound or loose puck, and trying to jam in a puck the goalie is about to cover. 

    I can see where you are coming from but the goalie wasn't that close to covering it.  They were going to cover it.  I would see they were in a butterfly but their catcher was still chest to stomach hight defiantly above the leg pad.  I saw the puck as a loose puck in the crease.  I could have been a little more descriptive.  Like I said these pickups are usually game paced. 

  12. I got scolded last night in my weekly private pick up game for going after a puck in the crease.  The scenario was I took a shot from the hash marks the goalie blocked it.  I rushed the net going for the loose puck as the goalie was dropping down to cover it.  I still made contact with the puck before the goalie could cover it.  The goalie yelled at me and the guy who runs the skate (a friend of mine) skated towards me yelling "We don't do that.  That's a dead puck."

    Seriously wondering was I wrong in this situation?  Loose puck we are playing a game.  I know we don't keep score and me scoring wouldn't matter, but we try to emulate game scenarios and not half ass the skate.

  13. I finally did it.  I left my helmet at home.  I was called last minute to sub for this team.  I hade about 15 minutes to get to the rink which is 10 minutes from my house and get ready.  I quickly pack up all my stuff and forgot the helmet.  I had to borrow one from the rink a Bauer 5000 with a scratched up Bauer half shield.  I had to tilt the visor the whole game because I just couldn't see through it.  I normally wear a cage so I was very uncomfortable out there.  I scored a goal the team still lost.  I just felt bad because I just couldn't give 100% without a cage.

  14. Awhile back I gave my parents a old hockey bag full of Hockey and Lacrosse equipment to store while I was in a tiny apartment.  Well my dad was cleaning the garage, and calls me to ask what he wants him to do with the bag especially now that I own a house.  Most of it was mid level gear that I didn't care about any more and held no value.  I told him to grab my TPS gloves out of the bag.  He told me some mold had grown on them.  I said don't worry I will figure out something.  Well my mom took it upon herself to put them in the washing machine (front load), and I received this picture.




    pour one out for my gloves.  I told them to hold on to them still.  I may get a fabric marker and paint them or just use them as is.  I was only planning on using them for pond hockey anyway.

  15. I work at a small hockey shop, and I know I could benefit from having a Sparx with me as well as the blademaster.  During the season there are just so many times being there by myself I get backed up to a 45 minute wait.  I could see me doing the locals skates on the blademaster since they come to our shop specifically for the sharpening, and any out of towners that only come through once or twice a year on the Sparx.  I could also through figure skates in there, because I just plain hate sharpening those.  However my boss is very cheap, and he will not purchase one.  Wishful thinking. 

  16. I don't really think there is a place to put this so this seems like a good spot.  I work at a small LHS one day a week, and yesterday my boss informed me that he had hired a new employee and I had to train him.  We got to talking, and I had said how I was a late adopter to composite sticks.  I told him I was still using wood while playing in college even though composite sticks had been out.  He followed up with a "Dude how old are you?"  I'm 29.  We had a good laugh about it.

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  17. 16 hours ago, Jamarquan said:

    School was in lockdown today - somebody tried to pull a knife during lunch.

    Back when I was in high school my Junior year (2003-2004) we had 3 bomb threats in 3 days.  The whole school went out to the football field for about 2 hours or so, and then went back to business as usual.  

  18. Since I posted about it in the Sweet Spot, and said I had stuff to vent for those of you who care here goes.

    When we moved we wrapped all of our glassware in newspaper we ran our dishwasher which worked fine during the home inspection and the final walk through 4 times and it crapped out.  Its definitely an older model.  No biggy the wife and I want to re-due the kitchen anyway so we can either buy a cheaper one to hold us over or just hand wash.  I vote for hand washing, because seriously its not that bad.

    My dad, mom and brother came up to help us with the move.  My dad is a very handy guy, and I have learned most of what I know from him.  We went to change out an outlet in the bedroom because I told him its something I have never done before, and I would prefer if he watched over me and taught me how to do it.  We did one no big deal.  The wiring is a little old, but everything worked.  He told me to go and do the next one by myself and he would watch.  I pulled the outlet out of the wall only to find out there was no metal box surrounding the outlet.  Who ever put the outlet in screwed it to the back stud?  WTF who does that?  We just put that one back in the wall and decided that we wouldn't use it until it gets fixed.  My parents live 4 hours away, and my uncle who has been an electrician his whole life also lives in the same town as my parents has offered to come up with my dad, and take a look at the electrical and fix whats wrong.  All he requires is a place to coffee, beer and a place to sleep (in that order too).  Again no big deal.  Its better than paying someone to do it.

    My dad and I installed a floating floor for our laundry closet, and really made it look very nice.  I painted the walls installed some molding.  We really went to town on this closet that you won't be able to see much of.  The wife, and I once we got our closing date went to Home Depot to purchase a washer dryer set.  We had it set to be delivered and installed this past Saturday.  I got the phone call from the delivery company (who is not Home Depot by the way) saying they would be there in a half hour.  An hour goes by.  Hour and half.. 2 hours nothing.  I tried calling the cellphone number of the guy who called me no answer.  They no called no showed me on the delivery.  I called Home Depot and they said there was nothing they could do since the place was closed.  I stopped into the store on Sunday, and they said the same thing, but they would look into it.  I call the delivery company this morning asking when my washer and dryer would be delivered today, and they informed me they do not deliver on Mondays.  I called Home Depot back, and the woman said "yeah they don't".  I told them to cancel my order, and I would just be going with Lowes or another place locally owned.  They didn't even bat an eye or try to do anything to help me out.  Now I am a reasonable guy if the delivery driver called me, and said we can't make it for XYZ reason I would have understood.  If the woman who worked at Home Depot told me they don't deliver on Mondays I would have understood, but for everything to be sprung and surprise me the way they did is just unacceptable.  I went to Lowes on my lunch break, and bought the same models from them.  Lowes does their own deliveries and installs so at least they can't pass the buck if they mess up.  They even price matched it for me.  It doesn't help that I worked for a tech company for a number of years that prided themselves on customer service, and even when the customer was totally wrong they would still do all they could to help the customer.  I am ruined in that sense as far as customer service goes.  I judge company based on that one.  The only upside is I have a few more days to really make the closet look even better.

    Thats my rant.  I am still very glad we bought the house.  I am sure there will be more rants in the future, but thanks for reading if you did.

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